When I execute a program of minizinc, the last two rows appear but I do not want them in my output. E.g.
10 10
3 3 0 7
3 4 7 6
3 6 7 0
3 7 0 0
4 4 3 0
4 6 3 4
I got it using this kind of command
minizinc --solver Gecode -p <cores> -t 300000 <model> <in_file>
How can I fix this problem from command line?
These lines represent the status of the solving process. By default solutions are separated using "----------" and the search is marked as complete using "==========".
You can change these using the following flags:
--soln-comma <s>, --solution-comma <s>
Specify the string used to separate solutions.
The default is the empty string.
--unsat-msg (--unsatisfiable-msg), --unbounded-msg, --unsatorunbnd-msg,
--unknown-msg, --error-msg, --search-complete-msg <msg>
Specify solution status messages. The defaults:
"=====UNSATISFIABLE=====", "=====UNSATorUNBOUNDED=====", "=====UNBOUNDED=====",
"=====UNKNOWN=====", "=====ERROR=====", "==========", respectively.