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Optimize a method that checks url segments issue

I've been using a method in Laravel Middleware that checks for strings in any URL segment to block the IP if it matches the "blacklisted" strings.

In the beginning, I had just a few strings to check, but now, the list is growing, and when I tried to optimize it to use a blacklist array, I ended up in a complete mess in the code and in my mind.

I believe this can be done but can't figure out the best way to optimize this middleware. Below is a sample of the Middleware code with notes where I'm having trouble.

In the handle($request, Closure $next) method is calling the $this->inUrl() method for all the blacklisted strings.

I've tried to add a protected $blacklisted array, to be used in the $this->inUrl() but can't make it work.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions that would be much appreciated and welcome. I am also thinking of providing the code as a gist on GitHub when optimized.

namespace App\Http\Middleware;

 * Class VerifyBlacklistedRequests
 * @package App\Http\Middleware
class VerifyBlacklistedRequests

     * The array of blacklisted request string segments
     * @access protected
     * @var array|string[]
    protected array $blacklisted = [
        '.env', '.ftpconfig', '.vscode', ',git', '.git/HEAD'
        // etc...

     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @access public
     * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
     * @param \Closure                 $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
            || $this->inUrl('.ftpconfig')
            || $this->inUrl('.vscode')
            || $this->inUrl('.git')
            || $this->inUrl('.git/HEAD')
           // many more checks below the above ones

        ) {
            // logic that blocks the IP goes here and working fine

        return $next($request);

     * Check if the string is in any URL segment or at the one specified.
     * @access protected
     * @param string|mixed $value   Segment value/content.
     * @param integer      $segment Segment position.
     * @return bool
    protected function inUrl(string $value, $segment = -1)
        if($segment !== -1 && request()->segment($segment) === $value) {
            return true;

        collect(request()->segments())->each(function ($segment) use ($value) {
            if($segment === $value) {
                return true;

        return false;



  • After all the suggestions, kindly posted here, I ended up with a solution that uses some of the suggested methods.

    The result ended up by reducing the pages' loading time by more than 1 second.

    My final implementation:

    1. Created a config file security.php which contains the blacklisted request strings, and a shortlist of whitelisted IPs.

    The security.php config file

    return [
        | Whitelisted IPs configuration
        | These are the settings for the whitelisted IPs. The array contains
        | the IPs that should not trigger the IP block.
        'whitelisted_ips' => [
            // whitelisted IPs array
        | Blacklisted request strings configuration
        | These are the settings for the blacklisted request strings. The array contains
        | the strings that should trigger the IP to be blocked.
        'blacklisted_requests' => [
    1. Optimized the middleware removing the loops on the inUrl() method

    The VerifyBlacklistedRequests middleware

    namespace App\Http\Middleware;
    use Closure;
     * Class VerifyHackingAttemptsRequests
     * @property \Illuminate\Config\Repository|\Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|mixed white_listed_ips
     * @property \Illuminate\Config\Repository|\Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|mixed blacklist
     * @package App\Http\Middleware
    class VerifyHackingAttemptsRequests
         * @access protected
         * @var \Illuminate\Config\Repository|\Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|mixed
        protected $blacklist;
         * @access protected
         * @var \Illuminate\Config\Repository|\Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|mixed
        protected $white_listed_ips;
         * VerifyHackingAttemptsRequests constructor
         * @access public
        public function __construct()
            $this->blacklist        = config('security.blacklisted_requests');
            $this->white_listed_ips = config('security.whitelisted_ips');
         * Handle an incoming request.
         * @access public
         * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
         * @param \Closure                 $next
         * @return mixed
         * @since  2.8.1
        public function handle($request, Closure $next)
            $exists = false;
            foreach(request()->segments() as $segment) {
                if(in_array($segment, $this->blacklist)) {
                    $exists = true;
            if($exists) {
            return $next($request);
         * Method to save an IP in the Blocked IP database table
         * @access protected
         * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
         * @return \App\Models\BlockedIp
        protected function blockIp(Request $request, $notes = null)
            // the logic to persist the data through the BlockedIp model

    In summary, the inUrl() method was removed, removing all the loops and method calls and, as mentioned above, the pages' loading time was sliced by more than 50%.

    Thanks to all for the suggested methods which contributed to helping me solve the problem.