could someone please help me understand how to stub useReducer from react-redux? This code looks like it should work, but it just doesnt (stub never intercepts the useReducer function).
import React from 'react';
import { mount } from '@cypress/react';
import * as ReactReduxModule from 'react-redux';
const { Provider } = ReactReduxModule;
import { Button } from './button';
import { store } from './store';
import * as SomethingModule from './something';
describe('<Button />', () => {
it('uses stubbed things', () => {
cy.stub(ReactReduxModule, 'useSelector')
.returns({ moo: 'woof' });
cy.stub(SomethingModule, 'something').as('something').returns('scary!!');
<Provider store={store}>
<Button />
// cy.contains('moo: woof scary').should('exist');
cy.get('@something').should('have.been.called'); // passes
cy.get('@useSelector').should('have.been.called'); // fails! :(
the "something" stub does indeed trigger and intercept the import, but the useSelector stub does not. :( help the component in question is SUPER simple too:
import React from 'react';
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { something } from './something';
import { StoreState } from './store';
export const Button = ({}) => {
const { moo } = useSelector((store: StoreState) => {
return { moo: store.moo };
return (
moo: {moo} {something()}
Incase anyone else ever ends up in this thread, I eventually managed to do all this (with the help of a plugin and some babel config changes).
I just added this little plugin into my babel build: which allows you to rewire most* imports contained inside a module file (presuming ur working inside an esmodule codebase).
I've got some demo code here:
note: To mock npm components is a little trickier, unless the component in question is an esmodule, in which case you configure babel to parse it, and ur good to go!