I have looked at a lot of similar questions but none could give me a solution so I am thinking if anyone can help me with this problem. I have a hierarchy of entities as Clients have multiple ClientRateDeals and then I am trying to fetch only those clients that have a list of client rate deals that all pass some condition. Here's my LINQ query that generating an error :
var query = _context.Client.Where(c=>c.Disabled==false)
c => c.Id,
crd => crd.ClientId,
(c, crd) => new
crd = crd.Where(cr => cr.DateEnd == null || cr.DateEnd > DateTime.Today)
.Where(res => res.crd.Count() == 0)
.Select(cl => cl.c).AsNoTracking().ToList();
as you can see in the result selector argument I have kept that condition and then a where clause on the result selector to fetch only those whose client rate deal whose count is 0. However due to some reason I am getting the exception that the LINQ cant be translated. Can anyone help me with this ?
For unknown reason (it has nothing in similar with GroupBy
), LINQ GroupJoin
operator is not supported in EF Core 3.x, 5.x.
You have to use one of the available alternatives - (1) collection navigation property (preferred) or (2) correlated subquery.
(1) In Client
class define
public ICollection<ClientRateDeal> ClientRateDeals { get; set; }
and use it inside the query
var query = _context.Client
.Where(c => c.Disabled==false)
// vvv
.Where(c => !c.ClientRateDeals.Any(
crd => crd.Disabled == false &&
(crd.DateEnd == null || crd.DateEnd > DateTime.Today)))
or (2)
var query = _context.Client
.Where(c => c.Disabled==false)
// vvv
.Where(c => !_context.ClientRateDeal.Any(crd =>
c.Id == crd.ClientId &&
crd.Disabled == false &&
cr.DateEnd == null || cr.DateEnd > DateTime.Today))
In general, instead of
db.As.GroupJoin(db.Bs, a => a.Id, b => b.AId, (a, Bs) => new { a, Bs })
db.As.Select(a => new { a, Bs = db.Bs.Where(b => a.Id == b.AId) })
Related github issue (please go vote in order to have a chance to get that implemented):
Query with GroupBy or GroupJoin throws exception #17068
Query: Support GroupJoin when it is final query operator #19930
even though the second is not exactly what we need (we want just GroupJoin
to be translated as it was written in correlated subquery syntax shown above).