with aspect, I am trying to capture annotated parameters, but it is not working.
Annotation is as follows:
public @interface DTO {}
The service class where I have annotated the parameters in a few methods are as follows:
class MyService {
public MyDTO update(@DTO MyDTO myDTO) {
// ...
Now with the help of aspect, I am trying to capture those annotated parameters as follows:
class MyAspect {
// ...
@Before(value = "applicationServicePointcut()", argNames = "joinPoint")
public Object process(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, StateManagement stateManagement)
throws Throwable {
// ...
Object object = getAnnotatedParameter(joinPoint, DTO.class);
// ...
public Object getAnnotatedParameter(JoinPoint joinPoint, Class<?> annotatedClazz) {
MethodSignature methodSignature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
Parameter[] params = methodSignature.getMethod().getParameters();
for (Parameter param : params) {
if (isParamAnnotatedWith(param, annotatedClazz.getName()))
return param;
return null;
private boolean isParamAnnotatedWith(Parameter param, String annotationClassName) {
for (Annotation annotation : param.getAnnotations()) {
System.out.println("Annotation class name : " + annotation.getClass().getName());
// HERE IN annotation.getClass().getName() I am getting com.sun.proxy.$Proxy375
if (annotation.getClass().getName().equals(annotationClassName)) {
return true;
return false;
I am clueless regarding how to capture the annotated parameter with aspect. Could anyone please help here? Thanks.
Firstly, if I were you I would pass on the annotation type as Class<?>
from getAnnotatedParameter
to isParamAnnotatedWith
in order to make processing easier.
The actual bug in your code is that you use getClass()
on an annotation instance, which always yields a JDK dynamic proxy class, because this is what it is internally in Java. Instead, you ought to use method annotationType()
, which gives you exactly what you need.
public Object getAnnotatedParameter(JoinPoint joinPoint, Class<?> annotationType) {
Method method = ((MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature()).getMethod();
for (Parameter parameter : method.getParameters()) {
if (isParamAnnotatedWith(parameter, annotationType))
return parameter;
return null;
private boolean isParamAnnotatedWith(Parameter parameter, Class<?> annotationType) {
for (Annotation annotation : parameter.getAnnotations()) {
if (annotation.annotationType().equals(annotationType))
return true;
return false;