Within Webdriver-io tests, I need to get a web page element using .querySelector()
This code:
a = browser.executeScript('window.document.querySelector("div.my_diagram_div canvas")', [])
console.log('a = ', await a)
outputs the following output:
a = { 'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': 'ELEMENT-40' }
It's not an element object, I can't work with it any further. How do I get the web page element object?
P.S. In the browser console, the code returns the correct result
What ever you get in console is just a representation of element, its not the actual output.
if you want that html tag use
Within Webdriver-io tests, I need to get a web page element using .querySelector()
a = browser.executeScript('window.document.querySelector("div.my_diagram_div canvas").outerHTML', [])
console.log('a = ', await a)
a = await $('div.my_diagram_div canvas')
console.log('a = ', await a.getProperty("outerHTML"))
If you need the element object just use
a = await browser.executeScript('window.document.querySelector("div.my_diagram_div canvas")', [])
elm= await $(a)
await elm.getWindowRect()
also in this case yo udon't need executescript
elm= await $('div.my_diagram_div canvas')
await elm.getWindowRect()