I have a js function that I am using in action buttons just like confirm="custom message" as attributes. Question is: I need to know that from which action It is called for example if it is called from a sale.order, then I need to know that it is called from sale.order. What I tried is as below.
Example URL: localhost:8069/web?#action=430&cids=1&id=24&menu_id=277&model=sale.order&view_type=form
I need model and id in above url.
here is the sample function I tried.
def = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var model = this.dataset.model;
var call_kw = '/web/dataset/call_kw/my.mudule/my_func';
session.rpc(call_kw, {
model: 'my.module',
method: 'my_func',
args: [model],
kwargs: {}
It was very simple. I needed to pass model as self.modelName in args
args: [self.modelName],