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JavaScript: Merge multiple classes

I want to combine multiple classes for reusability and consistency amongst backend and frontend. Something like:

import {
} from "class-validator";

class UserUsername {
  username!: string;

class UserEmail {
  email!: string;

class UserPassword {
  password!: string;

class UserSecret {
  secret!: string;

class User /* extends UserEmail, UserUsername, UserSecret */ {}
class UserDto /* extends UserEmail, UserUsername, UserPassword */ {}

const userDto = new UserDto();

userDto.username = "noerror"; = "error";
userDto.password = "error";


Is something similar anyway possible?

Note: I do not mean types only like TypeScript's &. The main purpose is to reuse class validation.

Link to sandbox

The Problem:

export class User {
  id!: string;

  username!: string;

  email!: string;

  secret!: string;

  firstName!: string;

  lastName!: string;

  isEmailVerified!: boolean;

export class UserDto {
  id!: string;

  username!: string;

  email!: string;

  secret?: never;

  firstName!: string;

  lastName!: string;

  isEmailVerified!: boolean;

export class SignUpUserDto {
  id?: never;

  username!: string;

  email!: string;

  secret?: never;

  firstName!: string;

  lastName!: string;

  isEmailVerified?: never;

export class UpdateUserDto {
  id?: never;

  username?: string;

  email?: string;

  secret?: never;

  firstName?: string;

  lastName?: string;

  isEmailVerified?: never;

export class SignInUserDto {
  username!: string;

  password!: string;

See how repetitive the code is?


  • Thanks to Filip Kaštovský who pointed me to this doc: How Does A Mixin Work?

    I got to solve it this way:

    import { IsString, IsUUID, MinLength, validateSync } from 'class-validator';
    type Constructor<T = {}> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
    export function WithUserId<TBase extends Constructor>(Base: TBase) {
      class UserId extends Base {
        id!: string;
      return UserId;
    export function WithUserUsername<TBase extends Constructor>(Base: TBase) {
      class UserUsername extends Base {
        username!: string;
      return UserUsername;
    export function WithUserSecret<TBase extends Constructor>(Base: TBase) {
      class UserSecret extends Base {
        secret!: string;
      return UserSecret;
    class User extends WithUserId(WithUserUsername(WithUserSecret(class {}))) {}
    const user = new User(); = "9b1deb4d-3b7d-4bad-9bdd-2b0d7b3dcb6d";
    user.username = "a";
    user.secret = "a";

    Link to sandbox

    EDIT: I cloned @nestjs/mapped-types and modified it to work in both the browser and nodejs. I wanted to publish it but I do not know a lot about publishing and whether it is actually going to work. It works fine in my set-up with Nx because I used Nx to create the library.