world! I'm new in mongodb, and I no have idea have I can do this task with aggregation and sum etc..( So, I have this collections: This is stores collection
"storeName": "store one",
"_id" : ObjectId("store id 1"), // this is store ID
"shopId" : ObjectId("shopId 1"),
"shopItems" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("6048a1fa31d779032b16301e"),
"itemId" : ObjectId("111"), // this is product id from PRODUCTS collection
"itemCount" : 2
"_id" : ObjectId("6048a46e31d779032b163043"),
"itemId" : ObjectId("222"),// this is product id from PRODUCTS collection
"itemCount" : 0
"storeName": "store two"
"_id" : ObjectId("storeId 2"), // this is store ID
"shopId" : ObjectId("shopId 2"),
"shopItems" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("6048a1fa31d779032b16301e"),
"itemId" : ObjectId("222"), // this is product id from PRODUCTS collection
"itemCount" : 2
"_id" : ObjectId("6048a46e31d779032b163043"),
"itemId" : ObjectId("333"),// this is product id from PRODUCTS collection
"itemCount" : -5
"_id" : ObjectId("6048a46e31d779032b163043"),
"itemId" : ObjectId("111"),// this is product id from PRODUCTS collection
"itemCount" : -7
This is products collection and here is one array with different price, in fact there are many more ~50/50. I have boolean in collection that`s say if the prices for shops is difference (maybe it will be help for task)
// products collection
"_id" : ObjectId("111"), // itemId in STORE collection
"differentPricesForShops" : false,
"productName" : "some name here",
"buyPrice" : 10,
"sellingPrice" : 100,
"differentPricesForShops" : false,
"difPriceArray" : []
"_id" : ObjectId("222"), // itemId in STORE collection
"differentPricesForShops" : false,
"productName" : "some name here",
"differentPricesForShops" : true, <- TRUE
"difPriceArray" : [
"shopId": ObjectId("shopId1") <- shop
"buyPrice" : 5, <- differentPrices
"sellingPrice" : 50,
"shopId": ObjectId("shopId 2")
"buyPrice" : 15,
"sellingPrice" : 55,
"_id" : ObjectId("333"), // itemId in STORE collection
"differentPricesForShops" : false,
"productName" : "some name here",
"buyPrice" : 5,
"sellingPrice" : 15,
"differentPricesForShops" : false,
"difPriceArray" : []
"shopId" : ObjectId("6048a15031d779032b16300f"),
product count : 2,
product in minus: 0,
selfprice: (2-> count in store * 10(buyPrice) ) = 20
products for sale: (2 -> count in store * 100 (selling price) ) = 200
"shopId" : ObjectId("6048a15031d779032b16300f"),
product count : 2,
product in minus: -5(item count in store) + -7(item count in store) = -12
selfprice: (2-> count in store * 15(different price by shop) ) = 30
products for sale: (2 -> count in store * 55 (different price by shop) ) = 110
this example is by 1 product, but I need to have SUM of selfPrices and products for sale. please, check the image I need to display data like this:
I hope someone can help me. many many thanks!
this aggregation query will give you desired output:
pipeline stages:
unwind : this will create separate document for each product at given store
lookup : this will be used to make join and fetch products details
unwind : as lookup result is array will just make it as document/object
addfields: check if diff in price then set appropriate values
addfields: convert matched store $buyPrice & $sellingPrice from above step from object to field
addfields: set selfprice & products_for_sale based on $buyPrice & $sellingPrice from above step
group: extract fields the way we want!
[{$unwind: {
path: '$shopItems'
}}, {$lookup: {
from: 'products',
localField: 'shopItems.itemId',
foreignField: '_id',
as: 'shop_products'
}}, {$unwind: {
path: '$shop_products'
}}, {$addFields: {
buyPrice:{ $cond: { if:{ $anyElementTrue:["$shop_products.difPriceArray"]},
$arrayElemAt:[{$filter: {
input: "$shop_products.difPriceArray",
as: "item",
cond: { $eq: [ "$$item.shopId", '$shopId' ] }
else: '$shop_products.buyPrice'}},
sellingPrice:{ $cond: { if:{ $anyElementTrue:["$shop_products.difPriceArray"]},
$arrayElemAt:[{$filter: {
input: "$shop_products.difPriceArray",
as: "item",
cond: { $eq: [ "$$item.shopId", '$shopId' ] }
else: '$shop_products.sellingPrice'}},
}}, {$addFields: {
buyPrice: { $cond: { if:{ $eq: [{$type: '$buyPrice'},"object"] }, then: '$buyPrice.buyPrice' ,else:'$buyPrice'}},
sellingPrice: { $cond: { if:{ $eq: [{$type: '$sellingPrice'},"object"] }, then: '$sellingPrice.sellingPrice' ,else:'$sellingPrice'}}
}}, {$addFields: {
selfprice: { $multiply: [ {$ifNull:['$shopItems.itemCount',0]}, {$ifNull:[ '$buyPrice',0]}] },
products_for_sale :{ $multiply: [ {$ifNull:['$shopItems.itemCount',0]}, {$ifNull:[ '$sellingPrice',0]}] },
}}, {$group: {
_id: '$_id',
selfprice:{$sum: {
$cond: { if: { $lt: [ "$selfprice", 0 ] }, then: 0, else: '$selfprice' }
product_in_minus:{$sum: {
$cond: { if: { $lt: [ "$shopItems.itemCount", 0 ] }, then: "$shopItems.itemCount", else: 0 }
}} ,
products_for_sale:{$sum: {
$cond: { if: { $lt: [ "$products_for_sale", 0 ] }, then: 0, else: '$products_for_sale' }
Mongo Playground: