I am trying to split a string into multiple bits when a specific set of characters is found. In this example "abc."
Here is my code
test <- "aa\abc.def/def\abd.abd...abc.def"
result <- str_split(test,"abc\\.")
So here my expected output is
"aa\" "def/def\abd.abd..." "def"
The output I get is:
"aa\abc.def/def\abd.abd..." "def"
So it does seem to work at the end but does not work on the first one. I think it might be because of the "" but that still seems kinda of weird to me that the function would not consider the potential presence of a ""
Any help is welcome on this.
The issue you experience is with the string itself, not the split function. You should be using "\\"
instead of "\"
in the string.
test = "aa\\abc.def/def\\abd.abd...abc.def"
# aa\abc.def/def\abd.abd...abc.def
result = str_split(test,"abc\\.")
# [[1]]
# [1] "aa\\" "def/def\\abd.abd..." "def"