I'm trying to make a cheat code system. I had an array of chars. I want to assign whatever input the player puts in to that char, and then ill change the index to the next char and repeat with that. At the end I want to combine all the chars together to a string and see if that's a cheat code. If it is then the player will get a powerup or whatever.
I basically want the char to be whatever button I press. Is there any better way to do it that's not like this:
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))
CodeAttempt[index] = 'a'
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C))
CodeAttempt[index] = 'b'
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C))
CodeAttempt[index] = 'c'
And so on?
You can use Input.anyKeyDown and Input.inputString (case-sensitive):
private void Update()
if( Input.anyKeyDown )
foreach( char c in Input.inputString )
CodeAttempt[index++] = char.ToLowerInvariant( c );