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Java 16 records BigDecimal equals & hashcode

We use Lombok in our everyday project and I love it for the brevity it introduced. We have a tone of BigDecimal properties and with a little bit of effort made them ignore the scale in Lombok's generated equals and hashCode methods. Is there a way to do this in new record classes introduced in Java 16?


  • It sounds like you're after a general way to alter how equals and hashCode are implemented for fields that have a specific, existing type. There's no way to do this.

    You have two options:

    1. Implement equals and hashCode yourself on every record you define, like:
    record Test(BigDecimal v) {
        public int hashCode() {
            return Util.hashCodeWithoutScale(v);
        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            return Util.equalsForBigDecimalWithoutScale(this, o);
    1. Consistently use a wrapper that you define:
    record Test(BigDecimalWrapperThatIgnoresScaleInHashCodeAndEquals x) {

    For us this feature seems unusable.

    While BigDecimal is close to your requirements, the mismatch in behaviour suggests you may have better luck with use of a wrapper, or an alternate class instead, even if it largely delegates to the existing class.