I have done a SOAP Client and I recive the next answer:
javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: no response returned.
at com.sun.xml.internal.ws.client.sei.SyncMethodHandler.invoke(SyncMethodHandler.java:98)
at com.sun.xml.internal.ws.client.sei.SyncMethodHandler.invoke(SyncMethodHandler.java:77)
at com.sun.xml.internal.ws.client.sei.SEIStub.invoke(SEIStub.java:147)
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy31.enviarFactura(Unknown Source)
at bkon.facturas.clientsample.ClientSample.main(ClientSample.java:41)
I have generated the cliente with: wsdl2java -p bkon.facturas -verbose facturasspp2.wsdl
And I have tried with wsimport.
If you using java 8, and spring boot it might be due to the dependency overridden, You can get rid of this by adding the jaxws-rt dependency artifact
if you are using maven please add below on the pom.xml
if you are using gradle use below
implementation 'com.sun.xml.ws:jaxws-rt:2.1.4'