I want to achieve a many to many relationship with this tow data classes Member
and Team
since the team can have several members and the member can be in several teams
The Member
Class have a reference to the teams IDs as a key in Map
data class Member(
var id: String = "",
var name: String = "",
/** teamsPositionsMap key -> teamId , value -> position */
private var tPM: Map<String, String> = mapOf(),
And the Team
Class reference to the members by a list of IDs AND want to have a list of Member
Objects as result of the query
data class Team(
var id: String = "",
var name: String = "",
var memIds: List<String> = listOf(),
/** get it by query memId */
var memberList: List<Member>? = null,
My Question is: How i can acive this relationship with Android Room With single query (if possible)
I thought about duplicating each Team
to make each row have only one memId and so on for Member
the iteration and flattening but i don't think that the best solution
The typical way of managing many-many relationships is to have an intermediate table to map the the relationships. Such a table will have two columns, each to identify the respective row of the relationship.
e.g. say you have members with id's 1,2,3 .... etc and teams 1000,1001,1002 and so on (1000+ used purely make it easy to differentiate for this explanation).
Then the mapping table my have rows like :-
So the Team identified by 1000 has members identified by 1,3 & 5, The Team identified by 1001 has members identified by 2 & 3 and 1002 has 1 through 5.
To implement this in Room you have the core Entities Member and Team with no consideration that they will be related so :-
data class Member(
var id: String = "",
var name: String = "",
/** teamsPositionsMap key -> teamId , value -> position */
//private var tPM: Map<String, String> = mapOf(),
data class Team(
var id: String = "",
var name: String = ""
//var memIds: List<String> = listOf(),
/** get it by query memId */
//var memberList: List<Member>? = null,
You then have the intermediate mapping table (aka associative table, link table ....) :-
primaryKeys = ["memberIdMap","teamIdMap"],
indices = [Index(value = ["teamIdMap"], unique = false)],
foreignKeys = [
entity = Member::class,
parentColumns = ["id"],
childColumns = ["memberIdMap"],
onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE
entity = Team::class,
parentColumns = ["id"],
childColumns = ["teamIdMap"],
onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE
data class MemberTeamMap(
var memberIdMap: String,
var teamIdMap: String
To actually get Members with their teams or teams with the members then you need a POJO (not a table) that has the parent (Member or Team) and the list/array (teams for a Member, and members for a Team).
To facilitate this you use Room annotations @Embedded for the parent and @Relation for the children.
So you could have :-
data class TeamWithMembers(
var team: Team,
entity = Member::class, parentColumn = "id", entityColumn = "id",
associateBy = Junction(
value = MemberTeamMap::class, parentColumn = "teamIdMap", entityColumn = "memberIdMap"
var members: List<Member>
and/or :-
data class MemberWithTeams (
var member: Member,
entity = Team::class, parentColumn = "id", entityColumn = "id",
associateBy = Junction(
MemberTeamMap::class,parentColumn = "memberIdMap", entityColumn = "teamIdMap"
var teams: List<Team>
The respective queries, just have to retrieve the parent, Room then extracts all of the children. So you could have the following coded in a/your Dao/s :-
abstract fun insert(member: Member): Long
abstract fun insert(team: Team): Long
abstract fun insert(memberTeamMap: MemberTeamMap): Long
@Query("SELECT * FROM member")
abstract fun getAllMembersWithTeams(): List<MemberWithTeams>
@Query("SELECT * FROM team")
abstract fun getAllTeamsWithMember(): List<TeamWithMembers>
Putting the above into action to demonstrate, consider the following :-
var tag = "TEAMDBINFO"
db = TheDatabase.getInstance(this)
dao = db.getAllDao()
// Add some members and teams
dao.insert(Member(id = "M1",name = "Member1"))
dao.insert(Member(id = "M2", name = "Member2"))
dao.insert(Member(id = "M3", name = "Member3"))
dao.insert(Member(id = "M4", name = "Member4"))
dao.insert(Member(id = "M5", name = "Member5"))
dao.insert(Team(id = "T1", name = "Team1"))
dao.insert(Team(id = "T2", name = "Team2"))
dao.insert(Team(id = "T3",name = "Team3"))
dao.insert(Team(id = "T4",name = "Team4"))
// do the mapping
// Extract the Teams and their members :-
for(twm: TeamWithMembers in dao.getAllTeamsWithMember()) {
Log.d(tag,"Team is ${twm.team.name}")
for(m: Member in twm.members) {
Log.d(tag,"\tMember is ${m.name}")
If the above is run then the log would include :-
D/TEAMDBINFO: Team is Team1
D/TEAMDBINFO: Member is Member1
D/TEAMDBINFO: Member is Member3
D/TEAMDBINFO: Member is Member5
D/TEAMDBINFO: Team is Team2
D/TEAMDBINFO: Member is Member2
D/TEAMDBINFO: Member is Member4
D/TEAMDBINFO: Team is Team3
D/TEAMDBINFO: Member is Member1
D/TEAMDBINFO: Member is Member2
D/TEAMDBINFO: Member is Member3
D/TEAMDBINFO: Member is Member4
D/TEAMDBINFO: Member is Member5
D/TEAMDBINFO: Team is Team4