I have item with nested objects:
"name": "The Amazon rainforest",
"id": "610d33da26c25b00191ebcbe",
"tags": [
"name": "Brazil",
"verified": 1
"name": "new_tag",
"verified": 0,
in search results unverified tag should be omitted:
output of search by id: 610d33da26c25b00191ebcbe
"name": "The Amazon rainforest",
"id": "610d33da26c25b00191ebcbe",
"tags": [
"name": "Brazil",
"verified": 1
Node.js version of answer:
const { body } = await elasticWrapper.client.search({
index: ElasticIndexs.Products,
'hits.hits._source*, hits.hits.inner_hits.tags.hits.hits._source*',
body: {
_source: {
excludes: ['tags'],
query: {
bool: {
must: [
match: {
id: req.params.id,
should: [
nested: {
path: 'tags',
query: {
term: {
'tags.verified': 1,
inner_hits: {},