Say I have an xml response from a request that looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/xsl/someExcelSheet.xsl"?>
<event onair="true">
<title>Nyhederne - 1/1</title>
<event onair="false">
How do I use cheeriojs
to extract data from it?
Was doing
request(url, (error, response, xml) => {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
const $ = cheerio.load(xml, {
xmlMode: true,
decodeEntities: true,
withStartIndices: false,
withEndIndices: false,
and trying
> $('events')
LoadedCheerio(1) [Element, options: {…}, _root: LoadedCheerio(1), prevObject: LoadedCheerio(1)]
> $('event')
LoadedCheerio(468) [Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, Element, …]
but could not figure out how to work with it. Wanted to grab all event
in the events
and iterate over it and read the text in the <type>
, <title>
etc tags.
what I ended up doing was
const rows: string[][] = $('event')
.map((str) => str.trim())
.reduce((acc, str) => [...acc, str.split(/\n/)], [])
But there must be a better way and I'm hoping somebody would like to explain that to me?
Something like this should get you started:
$('event').get().map(event => {
return {
type: $(event).find('type').text(),
title: $(event).find('title').text(),
// more props