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Groovy DSL Spring cloud contract throwing java.lang.IllegalStateException for query parameter having Unicode Characters

I created a groovy DSL contract like below


Contract.make {
    final def NAME_REGEX = '[A-Za-z0-9\\u00C0-\\u00FF\'\\- ]{1,70}'

    request {
        method 'GET'
        url('/api/getEmployess') {
            queryParameters {
                parameter 'name': $(c(regex(NAME_REGEX)), p('\u00CAdward J\u00F5hnson'))
        headers {
    response {
        status OK()
                 id           : $(p(regex(nonBlank())), c('5a0eaf2012a9a12f1c98947a')),
                 name         : fromRequest().query("name")
        headers { contentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8") }

My service implementation returns 'name' and 'id' in response. In response, 'name' is Unicode value 'Êdward Jõhnson' which fails to match with the request parameter value.

I am getting below error -

Parsed JSON [[{"id":"5a0eaf2012a9a12f1c98947a","name":"Êdward Jõhnson"}]] doesn't match the JSON path [$[*][?(@.['name'] == 'Êdward Jõhnson')]]
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Parsed JSON [[{"id":"5a0eaf2012a9a12f1c98947a","name":"Êdward Jõhnson" }]] doesn't match the JSON path [$[*][?(@.['name'] == 'Êdward Jõhnson')]]
    at com.toomuchcoding.jsonassert.JsonAsserter.check(
    at com.toomuchcoding.jsonassert.JsonAsserter.checkBufferedJsonPathString(

I tried to pass the Unicode value in two ways in 'name' request query param -

  1. Putting Unicode characters as Unicode numbers like in the above example - parameter 'name': $(c(regex(NAME_REGEX)), p('\u00CAdward J\u00F5hnson'))
  2. Putting Unicode characters as it is parameter 'name': $(c(regex(NAME_REGEX)), p('Êdward Jõhnson'))

But for both cases, I am getting the same error. There looks some encoding issue because my value Êdward Jõhnson is changed to Êdward Jõhnson as mentioned in error.

Please help me to resolve this issue.


  • I found a workaround for this. In response 'name' field producer I put the same value which was in the request 'name' field producer. It was failing due to different encoding applied by groovy on unicode value. It's just a workaround to fix the problem, not a proper final solution.

    Contract.make {
         final def NAME_REGEX = '^[A-Za-z0-9À-ÿ'\-\s]{1,70}$'
         request {
                       method 'GET'
                       url('/api/getEmployess') {
                          queryParameters {
                              parameter 'name': $(c(regex(NAME_REGEX)), p('Êdward Jõhnson'))
                       headers {
        response {
            status OK()
                     id : $(p(regex(nonBlank())), c('4b0eaf2012a9a12f1c98567c')),
                     name : $(p("Êdward Jõhnson"), c(fromRequest().body('$.name'))),
               headers { contentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8") }