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How to move text between tags to new document word from excel vba

I have a long list of word documents which all have three pages. now i want every fist page in document 1, every 2nd page in document 2 and every 3rd page in document 3. I have tags on every page in my word document but every page has the same tag. I need to search for the tags, select the tags and everything in between and move them to the new document. Then, search again to find the 2nd tag (which is the same text as the first one) and do the same thing.

I have an excel sheet with the filenames/locations of all the documents with the tags, so i'm running all this from excel vba.

I've made an attempt to find/select the code, but it selects the first and the last tag, not the first one. Could you help me out?

This is my current code for opening the word docs one by one and finding tags:

Sub SelectRangeBetween()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")                  'Change to the correct sheetname

Dim wrdApp As Word.Application
' Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Dim WrdDoc As Word.Document

Set wrdApp = New Word.Application                       '
wrdApp.Visible = True                                   'set to false for higher speed

Const StarttagColumn = "C"                              'Edit this for the column of the starttag.
Const EndtagColumn = "D"                                'Edit this for the column of the endtag.
Const FilelocationColumn = "E"                          'Edit this for the column of the Filelocation.
Const startRow As Long = 5                              'This is the first row of tags and filenames
'Const endRow As Long = 140                             'uncomment if you want a fixed amount of rows (for ranges with empty cells)
Dim endRow As Long                                      'comment out if const-endrow is used
endRow = ws.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row       'comment out if const-endrow is used

 Dim i As Long
 For i = startRow To endRow
    Dim wrdPath As String
    wrdPath = ws.Cells(i, FilelocationColumn).Value2    '
    If wrdPath <> vbNullString Then                     '
        If Dir(wrdPath) <> vbNullString Then            '
            Dim startTag As String                      '
            Dim endTag As String                        '
            startTag = ws.Cells(i, StarttagColumn).Value2   '
            endTag = ws.Cells(i, EndtagColumn).Value2       '
            Set WrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Open(wrdPath) '
        With wrdApp
        With .ActiveDocument.Content.Duplicate
         .Find.Execute Findtext:=startTag & "*" & endTag, MatchWildcards:=False, Forward:=False
         .MoveStart wdCharacter, Len(startTag)
         .MoveEnd wdCharacter, -Len(endTag) - 1
         .Select ' Or whatever you want to do
        End With
        End With
        With WrdDoc
        End With
        End If
        End If
        Next i
        End Sub


  • Try this:

    Private Sub Combine()
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")                  'Change to the correct sheetname
        Const StarttagColumn = "C"                              'Edit this for the column of the starttag.
        Const EndtagColumn = "D"                                'Edit this for the column of the endtag.
        Const FilelocationColumn = "E"                          'Edit this for the column of the Filelocation.
        Const startRow As Long = 5                              'This is the first row of tags and filenames
        'Const endRow As Long = 140                             'uncomment if you want a fixed amount of rows (for ranges with empty cells)
        Dim endRow As Long                                      'comment out if const-endrow is used
        endRow = ws.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        Dim wrdApp As Word.Application
        Set wrdApp = New Word.Application
        wrdApp.Visible = True
        Dim page1Doc As Word.Document
        Set page1Doc = wrdApp.Documents.Add
        Dim page2Doc As Word.Document
        Set page2Doc = wrdApp.Documents.Add
        Dim page3Doc As Word.Document
        Set page3Doc = wrdApp.Documents.Add
        Dim i As Long
        For i = startRow To endRow
            Dim wrdPath As String
            wrdPath = ws.Cells(i, FilelocationColumn).Value2    '
            If wrdPath <> vbNullString Then                     '
                If Dir(wrdPath) <> vbNullString Then
                    Dim endTag As String
                    endTag = ws.Cells(i, EndtagColumn).Value2
                    Dim extractDoc As Word.Document
                    Set extractDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Open(wrdPath)
                    'Find first endtag
                    Dim page1Rng As Word.Range
                    Set page1Rng = extractDoc.Range.Duplicate
                    With page1Rng.Find
                        .Text = endTag
                    End With
                    If page1Rng.Find.Found Then
                        page1Rng.SetRange 0, page1Rng.End + 1
                        Set page1Rng = Nothing
                        'If success, find second endtag
                        Dim page2Rng As Word.Range
                        Set page2Rng = extractDoc.Range.Duplicate
                        With page2Rng.Find
                            .Text = endTag
                        End With
                        If page2Rng.Find.Found Then
                            page2Rng.SetRange 0, page2Rng.End + 1
                            Set page2Rng = Nothing
                            'If success, yolo and cut the rest since it should left with 3rd page
                            Dim breakRng As Word.Range
                            Set breakRng =  page3Doc.Paragraphs.Last.Range.DuplicateWith page3Doc.Paragraphs.Last.Range.Duplicate
                            End With
                        End If
                    End If
                    extractDoc.Close 0
                End If
            End If
        Next i
        Set extractDoc = Nothing
        Set page1Doc = Nothing
        Set page2Doc = Nothing
        Set page3Doc = Nothing
        Set ws = Nothing
        MsgBox "Done!"
    End Sub