I'm a Ruby newbie so please forgive if some of these is complete ignorance. I want to set following associations:
I don't want to have any stand-alone forms for creating compositions and artists. Users just create transcriptions - the form for transcription has text fields fort artist and composition and database entries should be dynamically created (if they don't already exist).
How should I set up models? Should I use some virtual attributes in Transcription?
# transcription.rb
def artist_name
artist.name if self.artist
def artist_name=(name)
self.artist = Artist.find_or_create_by_name(name) unless name.blank?
and later create Composition with find_or_create_by_name
using artist I've found or created before?
Any help appreciated! Thanks in advance
You can't set artist in transcription because Artist has many Compositions and not Transcriptions, you need to access Artist through Composition. I hope this code explains it better.
I'm tired and probably messed something up but here we go (not tested):
# transcription.rb
attr_writer :composition_name, :artist_name
before_save :set_artist_and_composition
validates_presence_of :artist_name, :composition_name
def composition_name
def artist_name
def set_artist_and_composition
artist = Artist.find_or_create_by_name(@artist_name)
self.composition = Composition.find_or_create_by_name(@composition_name)
self.composition.artist = artist