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Power BI: include an htmlwidget other than a plotly graphic

Following this amazing answer and this tutorial, I have been able to include an interactive ggplotly in Power BI:

enter image description here

I'm wondering whether it is possible to include other htmlwidgets. I tried with DT and rAmCharts4 but I got only an empty plot, without error notification. Would you have an example of another htmlwidget included in Power BI?


I finally managed with DT. And with highcharter.

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • Since I know manage, I answer my own question. Here is an example. First, install pbiviz as explained in the links given in my question.

    • create a working directory: mkdir pbivizWorkplace and go into: cd pbivizWorkplace

    • inititalize a new visual: pbiviz new Ggiraph -t rhtml

    • in the created folder Ggiraph, edit pbiviz.json; you have to write something for description (what you want), supportUrl (e.g., and name and email

    • edit script.r, e.g.:

    ############### Library Declarations ###############
    ################### Actual code ####################
    data <- Values # we will use 'mtcars' as 'Values'
    data$carname <- row.names(data)
    gg_point <- ggplot(data = data) +
      geom_point_interactive(aes(x = wt, y = qsec, color = disp,
                                 tooltip = carname, data_id = carname)) + 
    ############# Create and save widget ###############
    p <- girafe(ggobj = gg_point)
    internalSaveWidget(p, 'out.html');
    ################ Reduce paddings ###################
    ReadFullFileReplaceString('out.html', 'out.html', ',"padding":[0-9]*,', ',"padding":0,')

    The data imported in Power BI corresponds to Values in the script.

    Since we want to use mtcars as data, we save it as an Excel file, but before that, we add a column with the row names, because we will use the row names as tooltips:

    mtcars$carname <- rownames(mtcars) openxlsx::write.xlsx(mtcars, "mtcars.xlsx")

    • Go to the folder pbivizWorkplace/Ggiraph and run pbiviz package

    • Open Power BI, import mtcars.xlsx, select and load the sheet

    • In the 'Visualizations' panel, click the three dots, the 'import a visual from a file', and select the pbiviz file in pbivizWorkplace/Ggiraph/dist

    • a new icon (showing some tools) appears at the bottom in the 'Visualizations' panel, click it

    • in the 'Fields' panel, select the columns used for the plot, here wt, qsec, disp and carname

    • you get the interactive graphic in Power BI:

    enter image description here