I am doing a project which requires to use ggplot2 to plot time series data.
I've tried to plot the frequency of bulbs per year per month but the dimensions don't look accurate, the x-axis only denotes January, and header 'year'are larger than the bars, which you can hardly see.
Does anyone know how to modify the R-code to look more like the desired outcome?
Many thanks if you can help.
Example of my Data Frame
year month Number_Daffodils Frequency_New_Bulbs date n_month
1 2012 January 1 7 2012-01-01 1
2 2012 February 8 59 2012-02-01 2
3 2012 April 18 144 2012-04-01 4
4 2012 May 21 193 2012-05-01 5
This is what I've done so far:
#Note that %b represents the abbreviated month which will be plotted as labels on the x-axis.
#Use the column 'date' that contains month of the year as a class of type date
Year_Group_Size<-dat_Ds %>%
ggplot(aes(x = date, y = Frequency_New_Bulbs)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "darkorchid4") +
facet_wrap(~ year, ncol = 3) +
labs(title = "Montly Total Estimated Group Size Per Month Per Year",
subtitle = "Data plotted by year",
y = "Estimated Group Size",
x = "Month") + theme_bw(base_size = 15) +
scale_x_date(date_labels = "%b")
Dummy Dataframe
Month = sample(, 120, replace = TRUE),
Year = sample(2012:2024, 120, replace = TRUE),
Date = Sys.Date(), 120, replace = TRUE,
Number_Daffodils = sample(1:5, 120, replace = TRUE)
Summarise the data before plotting, try this example:
dat_Ds <- data.frame(
Month = sample(, 120, replace = TRUE),
Year = sample(2012:2024, 120, replace = TRUE),
Date = Sys.Date() + 1:120,
Number_Daffodils = sample(1:5, 120, replace = TRUE))
dat_Ds_sum <- dat_Ds %>%
mutate(myMonth = factor(substring(Month, 1, 3), %>%
group_by(Year, myMonth) %>%
summarise(mySum = sum(Number_Daffodils))
ggplot(dat_Ds_sum, aes(x = myMonth, y = mySum)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "darkorchid4") +
facet_wrap(~ Year, ncol = 3)