I have follow a couple of examples using react-table and react-window so far so good, but I need the table to have select boxes to select individual or grouped rows as well as a radio-like button to be able to toggle information for a row, I manage to implement this but when I scroll up or down the selected radio button looses its selected state, as shown below
As you can see when I select a row its ID is displayed below the table but when I scroll and move the row away from the view the radio button looses its checked state.
I have an example of the code here
At first, you must update your RadioCheckbox component
const RadioCheckbox = ({ cell, checked, handleChange }) => {
return (
and then, you must add a function to handle your change in App component and change your default state of selectedRadio
const [selectedRadio, setSelectedRadio] = useState([]);
const handleSelectedRadioChange = ({ currentTarget }) => {
if (selectedRadio.includes(currentTarget.value)) {
selectedRadio.filter((item) => item === currentTarget.value)
} else {
and for the last step update the dependencies of your columns useMemo in App with [selectedRadio] and you must update your Cell render
const columns = React.useMemo(
() => [
id: "radio",
Header: "on/off",
Cell: (props) =>
notAllowedRows.includes(props.cell.row.index) ? null : (
width: 60
Header: "Row Index",
accessor: (row, i) => i,
width: 95
Header: "First Name",
accessor: "firstName"
Header: "Last Name",
accessor: "lastName"
Header: "Age",
accessor: "age",
width: 50
Header: "Visits",
accessor: "visits",
width: 60