Jenkins slackSend question: How to perform an alert notification to a channel that has received a message that needs to be addressed by either any member @here or a specific person ex @Jane.Doe?
Reviewed Jenkins Slack notifications:
Tried adding @here to the beginning of slackSend message:
failure {
script {
color: "#FF0000",
channel: "${SLACK_CHANNEL}",
message: "@home FAILED"
However, adding @here to slackSend message does not initiate alert notification for that channel.
Note: Received a comment from a coworker, I am investigating this path:
thought I remember needing to do a look up on users to get an ID and then some special syntax it parses into a username. been a while though.
First you must find the ID of the user and then mention it in the the message, like this example:
def userId = slackUserIdFromEmail('')
slackSend(color: "good", message: "<@$userId> Message from Jenkins Pipeline")
If you want a put a special or a group mention, you only need follow the format guideline what can you see here :