When creating a char array like:
char c_array1[] = { "str1" };
char c_array2[] = { "str1" };
char* cp_array1 = c_array1;
char* cp_array2 = c_array2;
if(cp_array1 == cp_array2) { // char* cannot be compared with char*
The comparison does fail. But with statically initialized char*:
char* cp_array1 = "str1";
char* cp_array2 = "str1";
if(cp_array1 == cp_array2) { // char* can be compared with char*
It works. Why does the operator== behave differently for the same type of parameters in this case?
"But with statically initialized char* It works" - It may work - if the compiler optimized your code to store only one str1
(which it is allowed to do).
You are comparing pointers - not the strings they point at.
If you want to compare the strings, use std::strcmp
if(std::strcmp(cp_array1, cp_array2)) {
// not equal
} else {
// equal
The strings are const
though, so it should be const char* cp_array1 = "str1";
and const char* cp_array2 = "str1";