I am using regular expression matcher to extract portion of string from a text.
For e.g. Here is the text :
var str = "I-35 South / US-290 West"
I would like to extract two strings,
I tried the below pattern, its returning true on test method. However not returning expected matches.
var pattern = /^(I|US|TX)-\d{1,3}.*$/
If I remove ".*" matching is not happening.
Any help appreciated.
Using matches
we can try:
var str = "I-35 South / US-290 West";
var highways = str.match(/[A-Z]+-\d+ \w+/g);
Note that if your input would always be a slash-separated list of highways, you might as well just split on that separator:
var str = "I-35 South / US-290 West";
var highways = str.split(/\s*\/\s*/);