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JSON Build Object Inside an Array with Postgress

I am working to build a drag and drop feature for a client project and need my data to look like this:

[ [Array(10)], [Array(5)], [Array(5)], [Array(5)], [Array(5)] ]

Where each array will look like this (each of these are representing patients):

[ {id: 1, reccomendations: [array] } ]

The recommendations array, one level deeper, will look like this:

["providerName1", "providerName2", "providerName3"]

My database is set up as such:

Patient Table

| id | bucket_id |
|  1 |     1     |
|  2 |     2     |
|  3 |     3     |
|  4 |     4     |
|  5 |     5     |
|  6 |     6     |
|  7 |     2     |
|  8 |     3     |
|  9 |     4     |
| 10 |     5     |

patient_provider Table
provider_id references
patient_id references

| id | provider_id | patient_id  |
|  1 |       1     |      1      |
|  2 |       7     |      1      |
|  3 |       3     |      1      |
|  4 |       1     |      2      |
|  5 |       8     |      3      |
|  6 |       7     |      3      |
|  7 |       3     |      4      |
|  8 |       2     |      5      |
|  9 |      11     |      5      |
| 10 |       1     |      6      |

Provider Table
provider_id references
patient_id references

| id | provider_id | patient_id  |
|  1 |       1     |      1      |
|  2 |       7     |      1      |
|  3 |       3     |      1      |
|  4 |       1     |      2      |
|  5 |       8     |      3      |
|  6 |       7     |      3      |
|  7 |       3     |      4      |
|  8 |       2     |      5      |
|  9 |      11     |      5      |
| 10 |       1     |      6      |

Provider Table
There are more rows and columns than this, but this is the only column I need

| id |  program  |
|  1 |   blue    |
|  2 |    red    |
|  3 |   green   |
|  4 |   yellow  |
|  5 |    pink   |
|  6 |   teal    |

I've run this:

SELECT "patient".id, ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT("provider".program)) as providers FROM "patient"
  LEFT JOIN "patient_provider" ON "patient_provider".patient_id = "patient".id
  LEFT JOIN "provider" ON "provider".id = "patient_provider".provider_id
  GROUP BY "patient".id
  ORDER BY "patient".id ASC;

Which will get me the array of providers per patient.

I have also run this:

SELECT JSON_AGG("patient") as patient FROM "patient"
WHERE "patient".bucket_id =1; 

With this, I can get all the buckets/columns and the patients that belong in those columns.

I haven't been able to find a way to combine the two into the data structure that I need. I've done some reading on JSON Build Objects - would this be the way to go? How would I do that? I am also open to doing this workflow on the server-side, using a function to splice and manually get me the data structure that I need...if that is the better way to do it. If you think that that is the way to go, how would I do it?

I'll buy coffee for whoever can help me with this! I'd love to make my clients' day by building this feature out for them!


  • I recreated your case with the following statements

    create table patient (id serial, bucket_id int);
    insert into patient (bucket_id) values (1);
    insert into patient (bucket_id) values (2);
    insert into patient (bucket_id) values (3);
    insert into patient (bucket_id) values (4);
    insert into patient (bucket_id) values (5);
    insert into patient (bucket_id) values (6);
    insert into patient (bucket_id) values (2);
    insert into patient (bucket_id) values (3);
    insert into patient (bucket_id) values (4);
    insert into patient (bucket_id) values (5);
    create table patient_provider (id serial, provider_id int, patient_id int);
    insert into patient_provider (provider_id, patient_id) values (1,1);
    insert into patient_provider (provider_id, patient_id) values (7,1);
    insert into patient_provider (provider_id, patient_id) values (3,1);
    insert into patient_provider (provider_id, patient_id) values (1,2);
    insert into patient_provider (provider_id, patient_id) values (8,3);
    insert into patient_provider (provider_id, patient_id) values (7,3);
    insert into patient_provider (provider_id, patient_id) values (3,4);
    insert into patient_provider (provider_id, patient_id) values (2,5);
    insert into patient_provider (provider_id, patient_id) values (11,5);
    insert into patient_provider (provider_id, patient_id) values (1,6);
    create table provider (id serial, program varchar);
    insert into provider (program) values ('blue');
    insert into provider (program) values ('red');
    insert into provider (program) values ('green');
    insert into provider (program) values ('yellow');
    insert into provider (program) values ('pink');
    insert into provider (program) values ('teal');

    Now, taking your first query, and using the json_build_object function, you can achieve the {id: 1, reccomendations: [array] } (the external array is not really needed). The query is the below

    SELECT json_build_object('id',"patient".id, 'reccomendations', ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT("provider".program))) as obj FROM "patient"
    LEFT JOIN "patient_provider" ON "patient_provider".patient_id = "patient".id
    LEFT JOIN "provider" ON "provider".id = "patient_provider".provider_id
    GROUP BY "patient".id
    ORDER BY "patient".id ASC

    And the result is

     {"id" : 1, "reccomendations" : ["blue","green",null]}
     {"id" : 2, "reccomendations" : ["blue"]}
     {"id" : 3, "reccomendations" : [null]}
     {"id" : 4, "reccomendations" : ["green"]}
     {"id" : 5, "reccomendations" : ["red",null]}
     {"id" : 6, "reccomendations" : ["blue"]}
     {"id" : 7, "reccomendations" : [null]}
     {"id" : 8, "reccomendations" : [null]}
     {"id" : 9, "reccomendations" : [null]}
     {"id" : 10, "reccomendations" : [null]}
    (10 rows)

    Now, if you want to aggregate the above results, you can do so with the json_agg function. This is the overall code

    With single_objects as (
        SELECT json_build_object('id',"patient".id, 'reccomendations', ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT("provider".program))) as obj FROM "patient"
          LEFT JOIN "patient_provider" ON "patient_provider".patient_id = "patient".id
          LEFT JOIN "provider" ON "provider".id = "patient_provider".provider_id
          GROUP BY "patient".id
          ORDER BY "patient".id ASC
    select json_agg(obj) from single_objects

    and result

     [{"id" : 1, "reccomendations" : ["blue","green",null]}, {"id" : 2, "reccomendations" : ["blue"]}, {"id" : 3, "reccomendations" : [null]}, {"id" : 4, "reccomendations" : ["green"]}, {"id" : 5, "reccomendations" : ["red",null]}, {"id" : 6, "reccomendations" : ["blue"]}, {"id" : 7, "reccomendations" : [null]}, {"id" : 8, "reccomendations" : [null]}, {"id" : 9, "reccomendations" : [null]}, {"id" : 10, "reccomendations" : [null]}]
    (1 row)

    If you really need the extra array encapsulation for each id, you just need to add a json_build_array function to the json_build_object call mentioned above. Full query

    With single_objects as (
        SELECT json_build_array(json_build_object('id',"patient".id, 'reccomendations', ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT("provider".program)))) as obj FROM "patient"
          LEFT JOIN "patient_provider" ON "patient_provider".patient_id = "patient".id
          LEFT JOIN "provider" ON "provider".id = "patient_provider".provider_id
          GROUP BY "patient".id
          ORDER BY "patient".id ASC
    select json_agg(obj) from single_objects

    End result

     [[{"id" : 1, "reccomendations" : ["blue","green",null]}], [{"id" : 2, "reccomendations" : ["blue"]}], [{"id" : 3, "reccomendations" : [null]}], [{"id" : 4, "reccomendations" : ["green"]}], [{"id" : 5, "reccomendations" : ["red",null]}], [{"id" : 6, "reccomendations" : ["blue"]}], [{"id" : 7, "reccomendations" : [null]}], [{"id" : 8, "reccomendations" : [null]}], [{"id" : 9, "reccomendations" : [null]}], [{"id" : 10, "reccomendations" : [null]}]]
    (1 row)