I'm new in assembly and am trying to print one character of a string at a time, and currently have this so far.
.equ STDOUT,1
.equ WRITE,4
.equ EXIT,1
.asciz "hello, world"
.globl _start
movl $char_string, %eax
call print_str
movl $EXIT, %eax
int $0X80
mov (%eax), %ebx
movl $WRITE, %eax
movl $STDOUT, %ebx
movl $char_string, %ecx
movl $1, %edx
int $0x80
inc %eax
cmpl $0, %ebx
jne print_str
je out_of_loop
However, when I try to compile I'm getting a segmentation fault at the line
move (%eax), %ebx
What's the problem with this? And how do I fix it? I'm trying to get the pointed char of the string to be moved to %ebx for the print and then later on I increment eax to move on to the next char in the string.
The direct cause of the crash is that eax
is used as the return value of the system call. Your code is wrong in other ways too, however. I have commented your code:
mov (%eax), %ebx # loads 4 bytes not 1
movl $WRITE, %eax
movl $STDOUT, %ebx # overwrites ebx you loaded
movl $char_string, %ecx # uses the starting address instead of iterating
movl $1, %edx
int $0x80
inc %eax # eax is return value of system call by now
cmpl $0, %ebx # ebx is $STDOUT, see above
jne print_str
je out_of_loop # makes no sense to jump to next instruction
A possible solution could be:
mov %eax, %ecx # address of char to print
movl $STDOUT, %ebx
movl $1, %edx
cmpb $0, (%ecx) # test for terminating zero byte
je out_of_loop
movl $WRITE, %eax # reload eax as it is return value from a previous iteration
int $0x80
inc %ecx # point to next character
jmp print_str_loop