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Match all logic rules with a dataframe (need super fast function)

I have a function that checks for the presence of logical sequences in a dataframe

fu <- function(dat , rule , res.only=T){
debug.vec <- rep("no",nrow(dat)) # control of rule triggers <- 1 # rule number in vector
for(i in 1:nrow(dat)){
  # check if the rule "rule[]" has worked on this "i" index in dat[i,]
  current_rule <- with(data = dat[i,] , expr = eval(parse(text = rule[]))  )
   if(current_rule){  # if the rule is triggered
          debug.vec[i] <- rule[]
          if(  ) break   # stop if there are no more rules
  <-  # go to the next rule
if(!res.only)  return(  cbind(dat,debug.vec)  )  
return(  sum(debug.vec!="no")==length(rule)   )

for example i have some data

dat <- = sample(10,30,replace = T),ncol = 3))
colnames(dat) <- paste0("x" ,1:ncol(dat))


   x1 x2 x3
1   3  5  9
2   3  3  3
3  10  9  4
4   2  9  1
5   6  9  7
6   5  3  5
7   4  8 10
8   6 10  7
9   9  7  9
10 10 10  9

there is also a vector with rules

rule <- c("x1>5 & x2>2" , "x1>x2" , "x3!=4" )

the function checks if there is such a logical sequence in the dataframe and gives a logical answer

> fu(dat = dat, rule = rule, res.only = T)
[1] TRUE

or you can change the flag res.only = F and see where the sequence was in the debug.vec column

> fu(dat = dat, rule = rule, res.only = F)
   x1 x2 x3   debug.vec
1   3  5  9          no
2   3  3  3          no
3  10  9  4 x1>5 & x2>2
4   2  9  1          no
5   6  9  7          no
6   5  3  5       x1>x2
7   4  8 10       x3!=4
8   6 10  7          no
9   9  7  9          no
10 10 10  9          no

I need the fastest possible version of this function, perhaps using the Rccp package or something like that..


the Waldi function is not working identically to my function, something is wrong


# Is this correct?

Yes, this is correct if the rule[k] is triggered then the search for rule[k+1] starts with a new row of dat

enter image description here forgive me for not being precise enough in my question, this is my fault

my function returned FALSE because the last rule "x3!=4" did not work, it should be

dat <- structure(list(x1 = c(2L, 5L, 1L, 3L, 9L, 2L, 6L, 3L, 3L, 9L), 
                      x2 = c(2L, 1L, 6L, 10L, 8L, 10L, 10L, 4L, 6L, 4L), 
                      x3 = c(4L, 9L, 8L, 7L, 10L, 1L, 2L, 8L, 3L, 10L)),
                   class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -10L))
rule <- c("x1>5 & x2>2" , "x1>x2" , "x3!=4" )

my_fu(dat = dat, rule = rule, res.only = F)

only two rules worked

> my_fu(dat = dat, rule = rule, res.only = F)
   x1 x2 x3   debug.vec
1   2  2  4          no
2   5  1  9          no
3   1  6  8          no
4   3 10  7          no
5   9  8 10 x1>5 & x2>2
6   2 10  1          no
7   6 10  2          no
8   3  4  8          no
9   3  6  3          no
10  9  4 10       x1>x2

it should be

> my_fu(dat = dat, rule = rule, res.only = T)


  • Update

    As per your update, I wrote a new fu function, i.e., TIC_fu()

    TIC_fu <- function(dat, rule, res.only = TRUE) {
      m <- with(dat, lapply(rule, function(r) eval(str2expression(r))))
      idx <- na.omit(
          function(x, y) {
            k <- which(y)
            ifelse(all(k <= x), NA, min(k[k > x]))
          }, m,
          init = 0, accumulate = TRUE
      if (!res.only) {
        fidx <- head(idx, length(rule))
        debug.vec <- replace(rep("no", nrow(dat)), fidx, rule[seq_along(fidx)])
        return(cbind(dat, debug.vec))
      length(idx) >= length(rule)

    and you will see

    > TIC_fu(dat, rule, FALSE)
       x1 x2 x3   debug.vec
    1   2  2  4          no
    2   5  1  9          no
    3   1  6  8          no
    4   3 10  7          no
    5   9  8 10 x1>5 & x2>2
    6   2 10  1          no
    7   6 10  2          no
    8   3  4  8          no
    9   3  6  3          no
    10  9  4 10       x1>x2
    > TIC_fu(dat,rule)
    [1] FALSE

    For benchmarking

    > microbenchmark(
    +   TIC_fu(dat, rule, FALSE),
    +   fu(dat, rule, FALSE),
    +   unit = "relative"
    + )
    Unit: relative
                         expr      min       lq     mean   median     uq      max
     TIC_fu(dat, rule, FALSE) 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.0000 1.000000
         fu(dat, rule, FALSE) 4.639093 4.555523 3.383911 4.450056 4.3993 1.007532

    Previous Answer

    Here are some options similar to what @Waldi has done, but the only difference is among parse, str2lang and str2expression

      any(with(dat, rowSums(sapply(rule, function(rule) eval(parse(text = rule))))==length(rule))),
      any(with(dat, rowSums(sapply(rule, function(rule) eval(str2lang(rule))))==length(rule))),
      any(with(dat, rowSums(sapply(rule, function(rule) eval(str2expression(rule))))==length(rule))),
      any(with(dat, eval(str2expression(paste0(rule,collapse = " & ")))))

    and you will see

    Unit: microseconds
       any(with(dat, rowSums(sapply(rule, function(rule) eval(parse(text = rule)))) ==      length(rule)))
           any(with(dat, rowSums(sapply(rule, function(rule) eval(str2lang(rule)))) ==      length(rule)))
     any(with(dat, rowSums(sapply(rule, function(rule) eval(str2expression(rule)))) ==      length(rule)))
                                      any(with(dat, eval(str2expression(paste0(rule, collapse = " & ")))))
      min   lq    mean median     uq   max neval
     94.0 98.6 131.431 107.35 121.90 632.7   100
     37.5 39.2  48.887  44.05  48.50 174.1   100
     36.8 39.6  51.627  46.20  48.45 241.4   100
     12.7 15.8  19.786  17.00  19.75  97.9   100