I recently followed a tutorial on building a single page portfolio with React and Next.js and it all works fine running locally in development.
However, when I deploy it to Github pages, internal links stop working.
<PrefixedLink href="#about">
<NavLink>About Me</NavLink>
I've tried the the following suggestions available online: Add a next.config.js (this did fix loading images from the public folder) - Mine looks like this:
const pathPrefix = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? '/React-Portfolio'
: '';
module.exports = {
assetPrefix: pathPrefix,
basepatch: "/React-Portfolio",
env: {
There was also the suggestion to prefix all links as github pages has the project name in the path, so I have this:
import Link from 'next/link';
const PrefixedLink = ({ href, as = href, children, ...props }) => (
export default PrefixedLink;
But this also doesn't work.
On the production site the end result looks like:
<a class="HeaderStyles__NavLink-sc-9w0vkp-5 jlNUaI">About Me</a>
without any href="#about", but if I manually add it via the inspector it works fine.
EDIT Getting rid of the and adding the href to the NavLink (a customized tag) fixed the issue.
Getting rid of the and adding the href to the NavLink (a customized tag) fixed the issue.