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Return Either (Vavr) in rest api

I have method:

public Either<ResponseEntity<TaskError>,ResponseEntity<List<TaskDto>>> readAllOrderedByStatus() {

    var result = taskCrudService.readAllOrderedByStatus();

    if (result.isLeft()) {

        return Either.left(
                new ResponseEntity<>(

    return Either.right(new ResponseEntity<>(result.get(),HttpStatus.OK));

I want to return List and HTTP status or TaskError.TASKS_LIST_NOT_FOUND and HTTP status, but due to Either there are also additional things in Json like "right" etc.

Solution (thanks @chrylis -cautiouslyoptimistic)

public ResponseEntity<?> readAllOrderedByStatus() {

    var result = taskCrudService.readAllOrderedByStatus();

    return taskCrudService
                     error -> new ResponseEntity<>(error,HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND),
                     list -> new ResponseEntity<>(list,HttpStatus.OK));


  • I'm using Either for exactly this kind of concept in a REST API. You will need to be responsible for converting your Either into a consistent response. In most cases, including yours, you're needing fold:

    return taskCrudService.readAllOrderedByStatus() // -> Either
        __   -> ResponseEntity.notFound(TASKS_LIST_NOT_FOUND).build(),
        list -> ResponseEntity.ok(list)