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Why is HttpRequestMessage decoding my encoded string

I am trying to make a Http request, like the following:

var category = Uri.EscapeDataString("Power Tools");

var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, $"/api/Items/GetAll?category={category}");

category now equals: Power%20Tools

The request gets translated to:

request = {Method: GET, RequestUri: 'http://localhost/api/Items/GetAll?category=Power Tools', ...

Why is HttpRequestMessage decoding my encoded string?


  • I reproduce in Console app in .NET 5. I think, it's just the ToString that decode the url to be friendly on debug information. I don't find a information to this on the documentation, but .NET is now open source.

    Generaly, the method ToString is used to generate debug information. See See the source code of HttpRequestMessage.ToString :

    public override string ToString()
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.Append("Method: ");
        sb.Append(", RequestUri: '");
        sb.Append(requestUri == null ? "<null>" : requestUri.ToString());
        return sb.ToString();

    This just display requsetUri.ToString() and requestUri is type of Uri. From the official documentation of Uri.String:

    The unescaped canonical representation of the Uri instance. All characters are unescaped except #, ?, and %.

    // Create a new Uri from a string address.
    Uri uriAddress = new Uri("HTTP://");
    // Write the new Uri to the console and note the difference in the two values.
    // ToString() gives the canonical version.  OriginalString gives the orginal
    // string that was passed to the constructor.
    // The following outputs " and thin.htm".
    // The following outputs "HTTP://".