I hope you and your family are well. I am getting difficulty in convert hex to float32_LE. I tried some different online JavaScript editors but not working well. If someone has an idea how can find the best resources to convert hex to float32_LE. I appreciate then in advance. I have hex value = 0xcf91873b. It should be 0.004137255. I have found direct conversation but I need some background stuff. so I can use it in code.
Thank you kind regards.
The DataView.prototype.getFloat32()
method allows you to take an unsigned integer and return the floating-point representation. The first parameter is the byteOffset
; this should be 0
. The method also takes a littleEndian
parameter; we want to set this to true
The final unpacked float 32 value is 0.004137254785746336
Edit: I added the ability to decode multiple hex values.
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/49221327/1762224
const parseFloat = (hex, littleEndian) => {
octets = Math.floor(hex.replace(/^0x/, '').length / 2),
dataView = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(octets));
dataView.setUint32(0, parseInt(hex, 16));
return dataView.getFloat32(0, littleEndian);
const ui = {
input: document.querySelector('#input'),
output: document.querySelector('#output'),
convert: document.querySelector('#convert')
const handleConvert = (e) => {
ui.output.value = ui.input.value.trim().split(/\s+/).map(hex =>
parseFloat(hex, true)).join(' ');
ui.convert.addEventListener('click', handleConvert);
textarea{flex:1;margin:.5em;width:calc(100% - 2em);font-family:monospace;border:thin solid #0f0;background:#000;color:#0f0;resize:none}
button{margin:0;background:#000;color:#0f0;border:thin solid #0f0;padding:.5em}
<textarea id="input">0xcf91873b 0xcf91873b</textarea>
<button id="convert">Convert</button>
<textarea id="output"></textarea>