Search code examples

How to display binary search tree rotated 90deg which starts from lowest point

I have created a Binary Search Tree as follows:

static class TreeNode{
    private int data;
    private TreeNode leftChild;
    private TreeNode rightChild;

    public TreeNode(int data){;

    public void add(int data){
        if( data >={
            if(this.rightChild == null){
                this.rightChild = new TreeNode(data);
        }else {
            if(this.leftChild == null){
                this.leftChild = new TreeNode(data);
            }else {

    public int getData(){
        return data;
    public  void setLeftChild(TreeNode leftChild){
        this.leftChild = leftChild;
    public  void setRightChild(TreeNode rightChild){
        this.rightChild = rightChild;
    public TreeNode getLeftChild(){
        return leftChild;
    public TreeNode getRightChild(){
        return rightChild;
    public void print() {
        print("", this, false);

    public void print(String prefix, TreeNode n, boolean isLeft) {
        if (n != null) {
            System.out.println (prefix + (isLeft ? "|-- " : "\\-- ") +;
            print(prefix + (isLeft ? "|   " : "    "), n.leftChild, true);
            print(prefix + (isLeft ? "|   " : "    "), n.rightChild, false);

static class BinaryTree{

  private TreeNode root;

  public void pprint(){

  public void traversePreOrder(TreeNode node) {
      if (node != null) {
          System.out.print(" " +;

I want to display my tree, however not normally, but in rotated 90deg, which starts from the lowest point.

For example: if the input is: 901 292 247 997 457 468 216 82 530 524 793 952 730 764 820 460 424

The output should look like this:

enter image description here

Another Example: if the input is: 302 946 638 376 604 610 45 547 76 347 694 495 51 130 159


enter image description here

P.S I tried with the information in How to print binary tree diagram in Java, but I was unable to solve the issue :(


  • Some issues:

    • You should not need to pass a node instance as argument when you already have the current (this) instance.

    • pprint never calls the print method on the TreeNode class

    • The print method on the TreeNode class visits the nodes in pre-order. For in-order, you should first visit the left subtree, then the node itself and then the right subtree

    Here is a correction to the print methods in TreeNode:

    class TreeNode{
        /* ... constructor and other methods here ... */
        public void print() {
            print("", "", "", "");
        public void print(String prefix, String left, String mid, String right) {
            String indent = " ".repeat(String.valueOf(data).length());
            if (leftChild != null) {
                leftChild.print(prefix + left + indent, " ", "┌", "│");
            System.out.println(prefix + mid + data 
                               + " ┐┘┤".charAt((leftChild  != null ? 2 : 0) 
                                             + (rightChild != null ? 1 : 0)));
            if (rightChild != null) {
                rightChild.print(prefix + right + indent, "│", "└", " ");

    And in BinaryTree we would simply defer the job to the TreeNode class:

    class BinaryTree {
        private TreeNode root;
        public void pprint() {
            if (root != null) {
        public void add(int data) {
            if (root == null) {
                root = new TreeNode(data);
            } else {