We are processing data with Apache Spark 3.1.x where one field contains fully free-form JSON, so the individual records can contain same keys, but with different datatypes (payload.field1
in this example can be string, boolean or number):
{"timestamp": "2021-07-30T09:41:51Z", "payload": {"field1": "some text"}}
{"timestamp": "2021-07-30T09:41:52Z", "payload": {"field1": true}}
{"timestamp": "2021-07-30T09:41:53Z", "payload": {"field1": 123}}
Our goal is to keep payload
field intact. When we let Spark autodetect the schema:
Dataset<Row> events = spark.read().json("file:////users/user/input.json");
// some processing is going on here
Output is as following (notice payload.field
now being a string):
{"payload":{"field1":"some text"},"timestamp":"2021-07-30T09:41:51Z"}
Spark's printSchema()
|-- payload: struct (nullable = true)
| |-- field1: string (nullable = true)
|-- timestamp: string (nullable = true)
The best workaround we came up so far is this:
Dataset<String> eventsAsString = spark.read().text("file:////users/user/input.json").as(Encoders.STRING());
Dataset<Row> events2 = eventsAsString.select( //
get_json_object(col("value"), "$.timestamp").alias("timestamp"), //
get_json_object(col("value"), "$.payload").alias("payload") // This will keep payload as string for Spark
// Do some processing of events here
// We have to write JSON as string to prevent Spark from encoding payload's field JSON:
events2.withColumn("joined", concat( //
format_string("{\"timestamp\":\"%s\", ", col("timestamp")), //
format_string("\"payload\":%s}", col("payload")) //
Output we get is what we want, datatypes are unchanged:
{"timestamp":"2021-07-30T09:41:51Z", "payload":{"field1":"some text"}}
{"timestamp":"2021-07-30T09:41:52Z", "payload":{"field1":true}}
{"timestamp":"2021-07-30T09:41:53Z", "payload":{"field1":123}}
The solution above works but feels super hacky. Maybe we are missing something obvious here?
Thanks in advance!
For read, we can specific the schema before read. For write, I don't come up with better idea.
val schema = StructType(Array[StructField](
StructField("timestamp", DataTypes.StringType, false, Metadata.empty),
StructField("payload", DataTypes.StringType, false, Metadata.empty)) // force string type
val df: Dataset[Row] = spark.read.schema(schema).json(ds)
df.map(r => "{\"timestamp\": \"%s\", \"payload\": %s".format(r.getString(0), r.getString(1)))