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How to store null value document in couchbase with java client v3?

I have a java couchbase client v2 that saves documents to database

JsonObject content = ...
JsonDocument newDocument = JsonDocument.create(key, expiration, content);

When content is null it saves a 'null-value' document that looks in the couchbase console like this

enter image description here

I'm migrating to couchbase java client v3 and save the document next way

JsonObject content = ...
var upsertOptions = UpsertOptions.upsertOptions();
if (expiration != null) {
bucket.defaultCollection().upsert(key, content, upsertOptions);

JsonDocument is not available in v3 and I put JsonObject directly and it works OK when content is not null.

When I have content as null like a previous case it throws an exception com.couchbase.client.core.error.InvalidArgumentException. If I try to use JsonObject.create() instead of null it creates an empty document but not 'null-value' document

enter image description here

Is it possible to create the same 'null-value' document with a client v3 for the sake of backward compatibility?


  • With Couchbase Java SDK 3.x, here's one way to store a JSON document with a null at the root:

    collection.upsert(key, "null", UpsertOptions.upsertOptions()

    It uses RawJsonTranscoder which interprets the content as pre-serialized JSON.