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Here API returning very poorly constructed routes for transit

I am trying to use the Here API for my transit app. My target is to find an efficient transit plan for point A to point B. I was trying, for example, to find a route from Trafalgar Square (coordinates 51.5080° N, 0.1281° W) to Madam Tussauds (51.5230° N, 0.1544° W). So, this is the URL I tried:,0.12&destination=51.5323,0.15&return=summary&apiKey=myKey

In response I get a very poorly constructed route, with just two sections - one for origin and one for destination. Same goes when I try car in place of pedestrian. In contrast, when I use Google, for example, I get a detailed route, saying "Go from A to B for 500 metres, turn right at Torrington Palace, walk for 400 metres, cross the street to Paddington Avenue", etc.

enter image description here

Is there any way to get a similarly rich route information for place A to B with Here APIs?


  • The maneuver details in routing V8 are returned by specifying the following parameters in the request.


    The structured information about the actions needed to complete the route can be obtained by specifying return=polyline,actions when requesting a route. This may be useful when providing user interface elements such as the position or icon for an action.

    Instructions may be included in an action by specifying return=polyline,actions,instructions when requesting the route. Instructions provide a textual description of the action that is appropriate for end-users.

    Example Request:
    apikey=<API KEY>

    Response: enter image description here

    The request can be mocked up here:,0.1281&transportMode=car&destination=51.5230,0.1544&return=polyline,actions,instructions,summary&apikey=SQJ15KMgNuP6jvYPiLSG_-aics8s7f55XPwOhSfXeYM

    Documentation Link: