When I use HttpGet(...), intellisense tells me that besides the first argument, i.e. pattern, I also have name and order. While the latter is obvious to me, I got a bit uncertain on what the parameter name had as its purpose.
Heading over to the docs, I see that the constructor of HttpGet only declares a single parameter. That confused me and I suspect that I'm missing something or using the Framework's version instead of Core, or something.
It says they can be used to generate a URL based on a specific route. I don't think I understand what it means (despite understanding the words as such). Please elaborate
Here are my two cents:
When designing a proper API, the level 3 of maturity model talks about HATEOAS constraint (Hypermedia As Transfer Engine Of Application State). More information about it can be found at : Maturity models of Rest API
In order to traverse through a resource and to know the actions that are available with that resource we generate links for the resource.
The generation of links is done with the help of URLHelper library, which takes in a name parameter to define the link. The name we associate with in the URLHelper library, is the name defined for HTTP GET/POST/PUT etc action using the attribute Name parameter.
In simple terms, it is an identifier for your Route.
A complete working example of a web api with HATEOAS can be found on github: