I am trying to create a parquet file from a CSV file using Apache Nifi.
I am able to convert the CSV to parquet file, but the problem is, the schema of the parquet file contains struct type(Which I need to overcome) and convert it into string type.
I am using Apache Nifi 1.14.0 on Windows Server 2016.
This is what I've tried to convert CSV to parquet till now...
I have used the below 3 controllers
And, These are the processors/Flow
I also want to know, how to view a .parquet file in Windows OS. Currently, I am reading the parquet file via PySpark and checking the schema. :|
This is how parquet file schema looks like after conversion. I want string instead of Struct as output.
Please Note: There are lots of CSVs with many columns/fields. I don't want to create schema manually.
Any other ways to achieve this would be very helpfull.
After playing around with some more options of "ParquetRecordSetWriter", I was able to create a parquet file with the schema that I've captured in "avro.schema" attribute.