I wrote a macro that gets two variables from a row (PartQty & PartLenght) and it uses that to do a series of iterative calculations, and in the end, it prints the results in a set of cells in the same row. (FornoSPouRJ is the only variable that is fixed.)
I want to use the same macro in all of the rows in the range I select, and print the final values.
My code below. (variables are in my native language for the most part)
Sub CálculoTamanhoBarra()
Dim PartQty As Double
Dim PartLenght As Double
Dim ExcessPartQty As Double
Dim PecaBarraInteira As Double
Dim BarrasInteiras As Double
Dim QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira As Double
Dim MetragemBarraInteira As Double
Dim PecasUltimaBarra As Double
Dim MetragemBarraIncompleta As Double
Dim RawStkQty As Double
Dim RawStkLenght As Double
Dim FornoSPouRJ As Double
Dim Pecastotal As Double
'******This is where I want to put a range******
PartQty = Range("D2").Value
FornoSPouRJ = Worksheets("Parâmetros").Range("C5").Value
PartLenght = Range("H2").Value
ExcessPartQty = 0
QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown((FornoSPouRJ / (PartLenght + 10)), 0)
BarrasInteiras = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown((PartQty / QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira), 0)
PecaBarraInteira = BarrasInteiras * QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira
MetragemBarraInteira = QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira * (PartLenght + 10)
PecasUltimaBarra = PartQty - (BarrasInteiras * QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira)
MetragemBarraIncompleta = PecasUltimaBarra * (PartLenght + 10)
Pecastotal = PecasUltimaBarra + PecaBarraInteira
'******This is where I want to put the same range as before******
Range("S2").Value = PecaBarraInteira
Range("T2").Value = BarrasInteiras
Range("U2").Value = QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira
Range("V2").Value = MetragemBarraInteira
Range("W2").Value = PecasUltimaBarra
Range("X2").Value = MetragemBarraIncompleta
Range("Y2").Value = Pecastotal
MetragemBarraInteira2 = 999
If (MetragemBarraIncompleta = 0) Then GoTo Jump
'Inicio Processo Iterativo
If (PecasUltimaBarra + BarrasInteiras < QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira - 1) Then
If (MetragemBarraIncompleta + (BarrasInteiras * (PartLenght + 10))) > FornoSPouRJ Then
ExcessPartQty = (MetragemBarraInteira - MetragemBarraIncompleta) / (PartLenght + 10)
ExcessPartQty = 0
End If
ExcessPartQty = (MetragemBarraInteira - MetragemBarraIncompleta) / (PartLenght + 10)
End If
If (ExcessPartQty = 0) Then
PecaBarraInteira = PecaBarraInteira - BarrasInteiras
PecaBarraInteira = PecaBarraInteira
End If
If (ExcessPartQty > 0) Then
BarrasInteiras = BarrasInteiras + 1
BarrasInteiras = BarrasInteiras
End If
If (ExcessPartQty = 0) Then
QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira = QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira - 1
QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira = QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira
End If
If (ExcessPartQty = 0) Then
MetragemBarraInteira = MetragemBarraInteira - (PartLenght + 10)
MetragemBarraInteira = MetragemBarraInteira
End If
If (ExcessPartQty = 0) Then
PecasUltimaBarra = PecasUltimaBarra + BarrasInteiras
PecasUltimaBarra = PecasUltimaBarra + ExcessPartQty
End If
MetragemBarraIncompleta = PecasUltimaBarra * (PartLenght + 10)
Loop Until MetragemBarraIncompleta = MetragemBarraInteira
Pecastotal = PecasUltimaBarra + PecaBarraInteira
'******This is where I want to put the same range as before******
Range("R2").Value = ExcessPartQty
Range("S2").Value = PecaBarraInteira
Range("T2").Value = BarrasInteiras
Range("U2").Value = QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira
Range("V2").Value = MetragemBarraInteira
Range("W2").Value = PecasUltimaBarra
Range("X2").Value = MetragemBarraIncompleta
Range("Y2").Value = Pecastotal
End Sub
Make your procedure dynamic so it can take a variable iRow
for the row number you want to process. Then use a second procedure to loop through your rows and run your original procedure on every of these rows.
Option Explicit
Public Sub Example()
Dim iRow As Long
For iRow = 2 To 5 ' loop trough rows 2 to 5 and do the same stuff in every row
DoYoursStuff iRow
Next iRow
End Sub
Public Sub DoYoursStuff(ByVal iRow As Long)
Dim PartQty As Double
Dim PartLenght As Double
Dim ExcessPartQty As Double
Dim PecaBarraInteira As Double
Dim BarrasInteiras As Double
Dim QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira As Double
Dim MetragemBarraInteira As Double
Dim PecasUltimaBarra As Double
Dim MetragemBarraIncompleta As Double
Dim RawStkQty As Double
Dim RawStkLenght As Double
Dim FornoSPouRJ As Double
Dim Pecastotal As Double
'******This is what I want to put a Range******
PartQty = Range("D" & iRow).Value
FornoSPouRJ = Worksheets("Parâmetros").Range("C5").Value
PartLenght = Range("H" & iRow).Value
ExcessPartQty = 0
QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown((FornoSPouRJ / (PartLenght + 10)), 0)
BarrasInteiras = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown((PartQty / QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira), 0)
PecaBarraInteira = BarrasInteiras * QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira
MetragemBarraInteira = QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira * (PartLenght + 10)
PecasUltimaBarra = PartQty - (BarrasInteiras * QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira)
MetragemBarraIncompleta = PecasUltimaBarra * (PartLenght + 10)
Pecastotal = PecasUltimaBarra + PecaBarraInteira
'******This is what I want to put the same range as before******
Range("S" & iRow).Value = PecaBarraInteira
Range("T" & iRow).Value = BarrasInteiras
Range("U" & iRow).Value = QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira
Range("V" & iRow).Value = MetragemBarraInteira
Range("W" & iRow).Value = PecasUltimaBarra
Range("X" & iRow).Value = MetragemBarraIncompleta
Range("Y" & iRow).Value = Pecastotal
MetragemBarraInteira2 = 999
If Not MetragemBarraIncompleta = 0 Then
'Inicio Processo Iterativo
If PecasUltimaBarra + BarrasInteiras < QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira - 1 Then
If MetragemBarraIncompleta + (BarrasInteiras * (PartLenght + 10)) > FornoSPouRJ Then
ExcessPartQty = (MetragemBarraInteira - MetragemBarraIncompleta) / (PartLenght + 10)
ExcessPartQty = 0
End If
ExcessPartQty = (MetragemBarraInteira - MetragemBarraIncompleta) / (PartLenght + 10)
End If
If ExcessPartQty > 0 Then
BarrasInteiras = BarrasInteiras + 1
End If
If ExcessPartQty = 0 Then
PecaBarraInteira = PecaBarraInteira - BarrasInteiras
QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira = QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira - 1
MetragemBarraInteira = MetragemBarraInteira - (PartLenght + 10)
PecasUltimaBarra = PecasUltimaBarra + BarrasInteiras
PecasUltimaBarra = PecasUltimaBarra + ExcessPartQty
End If
MetragemBarraIncompleta = PecasUltimaBarra * (PartLenght + 10)
Loop Until MetragemBarraIncompleta = MetragemBarraInteira
Pecastotal = PecasUltimaBarra + PecaBarraInteira
'******This is what I want to put the same range as before******
Range("R" & iRow).Value = ExcessPartQty
Range("S" & iRow).Value = PecaBarraInteira
Range("T" & iRow).Value = BarrasInteiras
Range("U" & iRow).Value = QtdePecasUmaBarraInteira
Range("V" & iRow).Value = MetragemBarraInteira
Range("W" & iRow).Value = PecasUltimaBarra
Range("X" & iRow).Value = MetragemBarraIncompleta
Range("Y" & iRow).Value = Pecastotal
End If
End Sub
Note that using GoTo
is a very bad practice. Instead use a normal If Not … Then
to skip code.
I also reduced your multiple If ExcessPartQty = 0 Then
to the necessary part only and removed the unnecessary parenthesis.
Another recommendation is not to leave any Range
or Cells
object without referencing a sheet like you did in Worksheets("Parâmetros").Range("C5").Value
because otherwise VBA will use the default and you might not like that.