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Greek characters are displayed weirdly in the produced XML file after packaging my application as JAR

I've developed a Java application in JDK 16, based on the dom4j library, which adds some specific XML elements as children of a particular element in a provided XML document. Some element of the input XML document, as well as some children elements of the XML element my app creates and adds in the input document, contain Greek strings as content. For example, here is one such element of the input XML file:


and here is the XML elements I create and add to the input document:

  <VehFue4007>ΒΕΝΖΙΝΗ ΑΜΟΛΥΒΔΗ</VehFue4007>

Whenever I run my application from Eclipse, any Greek content in the output XML is displayed as plain Greek text, exactly as in the input XML file. Yesterday, after packaging my application to an "uberjar" which contain all the dependencies using the Maven assembly plugin, I noticed that, when I run it by executing the mentioned JAR from the Windows Terminal, all the Greek contents are displayed with their UTF-8 encoding in the output XML file (I need to add it as screenshot here, in order for the problem I'm facing to be understood):

enter image description here

The encoding of the input XML file is "utf-8", but I take care of using the same encoding in my output XML. The code that generates the output XML by copying the XML content of the input XML file to it and adding the mentioned XML elements is as follows:

public int createOutputXML(int customsDeclaration, int howManyModels, ArrayList<InputFrameNumbersFileReader> inputFraNumFileReaders, ArrayList<ModelDescriptor> modelDescriptorsArray) {
    try {
        URL urlOfInputXMLFile = Paths.get(m_InputXMLFile).toUri().toURL();
        SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
        Document document =;
        String encoding = document.getXMLEncoding();
        // Get the root element:
        Element root = document.getRootElement();
        // For each different model: 1 to howManyModels
        // - Find its respective GOOITEGDS: Find all the GOOITEGDS, store them in the list, and get them one at a time
        // - Find its respective TAXADDELE100: Same way
        // - Call writeVEHDATBlocksToXMLImportAndHomeUseCases() or writeVEHDATBlocksToXMLWarehousingCase() with the GOOITEGDS and the TAXADDELE100
        //   for the current model.
        // Get the node GOOITEGDS (parent node of these nodes)
        List<Element> gooIteGdsElemList = root.elements("GOOITEGDS");
        if ((gooIteGdsElemList != null))  {
            if (gooIteGdsElemList.size() == howManyModels) {
                for (Element gooIteGdsElem : gooIteGdsElemList) {
                    if (customsDeclaration != 3) {
                        Element taxAddEleElem = gooIteGdsElem.element("TAXADDELE100");
                        if (taxAddEleElem != null) {
                            // Start creating the VEHDET XML elements in the DOM tree of the document (as children of the GOOITEGDS, right above the block TAXADDELE100).
                            ArrayList<String> frameNumbersArray = inputFraNumFileReaders.get(gooIteGdsElemList.indexOf(gooIteGdsElem)).getFrameNumbersArray();
                            ModelDescriptor mdElem = modelDescriptorsArray.get(gooIteGdsElemList.indexOf(gooIteGdsElem));
                            writeVEHDATBlocksToXMLImportAndHomeUseCases(gooIteGdsElem, taxAddEleElem, frameNumbersArray, mdElem);
                        } else {
                            System.out.println("OutputXMLGenerator.createOutputXML: The XML element TAXADDELE100 wasn't found in the input XML file.");
                            return 1;   // PROBLEM
                    } else {
                        Element warIdGiElem = gooIteGdsElem.element("WARIDGI700");
                        if (warIdGiElem != null) {
                            // Start creating the VEHDET XML elements in the DOM tree of the document (as children of the GOOITEGDS, right above the block WARIDGI700).
                            ArrayList<String> frameNumbersArray = inputFraNumFileReaders.get(gooIteGdsElemList.indexOf(gooIteGdsElem)).getFrameNumbersArray();
                            writeVEHDATBlocksToXMLWarehousingCase(gooIteGdsElem, warIdGiElem, frameNumbersArray);
                        } else {
                            System.out.println("OutputXMLGenerator.createOutputXML: The XML element WARIDGI700 wasn't found in the input XML file.");
                            return 1;   // PROBLEM
                // Write the changed XML document to the output XML file:
                // OBSERVATION - the encoding of the output file (not its XML content) is "UTF-8" while the same encoding of the input file is "UFT-8 BOM".
                try (FileWriter output = new FileWriter(m_OutputXMLFile)) {
                    OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();
                    if (encoding != null) {
                    } else {
                        System.out.println("OutputXMLGenerator.createOutputXML: Αποτυχία αναγνώρισης της κωδικοποίησης XML του αρχείου εισόδου XML.");
                    XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(output, format);
                    System.out.println("Το τροποποιημένο αρχείο εξόδου XML είναι έτοιμο!");
                    //return 0; // SUCCESS
                } catch (IOException ioEx) {
                    System.out.println("OutputXMLGenerator.createOutputXML: IOException when trying to open the output file for writing.");
                    return 1;   // PROBLEM
            } else {
                System.out.println("OutputXMLGenerator.createOutputXML: The number of GOOITEGDS elements in the input XML is not equal to the value of howManyModels.");
                return 1;   // PROBLEM
        } else {
            System.out.println("OutputXMLGenerator.createOutputXML: Input XML file does no have any GOOITEGDS elements, so it must be wrong.");
            return 1;   // PROBLEM
    } catch (DocumentException dEx) {
        System.out.println("OutputXMLGenerator.createOutputXML: DocumentException caught when trying to read the input XML file.");
        return 1;   // PROBLEM
    } catch (MalformedURLException murlEx) {
        System.out.println("OutputXMLGenerator.createOutputXML: MalformedURLException caught when trying to form the URL of the XML file. ");
        return 1;   // PROBLEM
    } catch (InvalidPathException ipe) {
        System.out.println("OutputXMLGenerator.createOutputXML: The path to the output XML file is invalid.");
        return 1;   // PROBLEM
    return 0;   // SUCCESS

private void writeVEHDATBlocksToXMLImportAndHomeUseCases(Element parentElem, Element siblingElem,
        ArrayList<String> frameNumbersArray, ModelDescriptor mdElem) {
    for (String fraNum : frameNumbersArray) {
        // Create the VEHDET XML element from the mdElem fields, as a DOMElement.
        DOMElement domEl = new DOMElement("VEHDET");
        // Add the newly created element to the XML Document object.
        List<Element> childElems = parentElem.elements();
        childElems.add(childElems.indexOf(siblingElem), domEl);

private void writeVEHDATBlocksToXMLWarehousingCase(Element parentElem, Element siblingElem, ArrayList<String> frameNumbersArray) {
    for (String fraNum : frameNumbersArray) {
        // Create the VEHDET XML element from the mdElem fields, as a DOMElement.
        DOMElement domEl = new DOMElement("VEHDET");
        // Add the newly created element to the XML Document object.
        List<Element> childElems = parentElem.elements();
        childElems.add(childElems.indexOf(siblingElem), domEl);

Additionally, here is the code of my POM.xml, in case that it'll provide any further insights:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""





  <pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
      <!-- clean lifecycle, see -->
      <!-- default lifecycle, jar packaging: see -->
      <!-- site lifecycle, see -->
          <manifest>         <mainClass>com.proskos.maven.MotorbikeContainerProcessor.ContainerProcessorDriver</mainClass>
          <id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
          <phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->

Any idea of what could be wrong here?


  • Problem solved when I tried the solution of the selected answer in this Q&A thread.