With gcc/clang for ARM cortex M, is there a way to pass a function address as a constant in Assembler Instructions with C Expression Operands ? More precisely I'd like to load R12 with function address (stored in the memory):
ldr R12, =func
within a C function, foe example like this one
// __attribute__((naked))
int loader(int fn)
__asm ("ldr R12, =%0"::??? (fn):"r12");
// ... then SVC #0, and the R0 is the return value
The question is what exactly I have to put for the Input Operand?
Thanks for the comments!
Actually I need to re-implement the KEIL's __svc_indirect(0)
which loads R12 with function address and passes up to four arguments in R0..R3 (see __svc_indirect
Use an i
constraint and manually prepend the =
__asm ("ldr r12, =%0" :: "i"(fn) : "r12");
Note that the inline assembly statement is still incorrect for other reasons, some of which were outlined in the comments on your question. Also consider using a register-constrainted variable for this sort of thing:
register int fn asm("r12");
__asm ("" :: "r"(fn));