I have a dataframe like this:
2021-07-25 | 25 | 15,5555684 | 4 |
And I want to turn it into this table:
DATE | CP | mnozstvi |
2021-07-25 | CZK | 25 |
2021-07-25 | EUR | 15,5555684 |
2021-07-25 | DOL | 4 |
My data.frame is much larger, this is just minimal example. I seek some versatile solution. I managed to do that by function gather() like this:
data.frame %>% gather(CP,,CZK,EUR,USD) %>% rename(mnozstvi = value)
But it changed the numbers as some of them vere decimal adn I dnt know why. Any ideae how to do that easily? thank you.
You can try melt
within data.table
> melt(setDT(df), id.vars = "DATE",variable.name = "CP",value.name = "mnozstvi")
DATE CP mnozstvi
1: 2021-07-25 CZK 25.00000
2: 2021-07-25 EUR 15.55557
3: 2021-07-25 USD 4.00000
or using stack
> setDT(df)[,setNames(rev(stack(.SD)),c("CP","mnozstvi")),DATE]
DATE CP mnozstvi
1: 2021-07-25 CZK 25.00000
2: 2021-07-25 EUR 15.55557
3: 2021-07-25 USD 4.00000