Hi! After using Spring Startup Actuator endpoint, I recieved the data about steps my application took to start. It's a JSON response, and I'd like to modify it a little, to make it more readable. Since I use CouchBase in my project, I though it probably will be the easiest way to modify big JSON with complex structure. I need a help with writing a N1QL Query to modify my JSON.
I have a JSON document with this structure loaded to a bucket in my CouchBase (I know it's pretty big, so I kindly ask you to have patience and try to understand it)
"springBootVersion": "2.4.7",
"timeline": {
"startTime": {
"nano": 909000000,
"epochSecond": 1627565536
"events": [
"endTime": {
"nano": 666000000,
"epochSecond": 1627566426
"duration": {
"seconds": 481,
"nano": 751000000,
"units": [
"negative": false,
"zero": false
"startTime": {
"nano": 666000000,
"epochSecond": 1627566426
"startupStep": {
"name": "spring.beans.instantiate",
"id": 2480,
"tags": [
"key": "beanName",
"value": "hystrix-configuration"
"key": "beanType",
"value": "class org.apache.camel.model.HystrixConfigurationDefinition"
"key": "exception",
"value": "class org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException"
"key": "message",
"value": "No bean named 'hystrix-configuration' available"
"parentId": 4
What I need is to format that JSON document in a following way:
As the result after modification of JSON object should look like this:
"duration": {
"seconds": 481,
"miliseconds": 751
"startupStep": {
"name": "spring.beans.instantiate",
"id": 2480,
"tags": [
"key": "beanName",
"value": "hystrix-configuration"
"key": "beanType",
"value": "class org.apache.camel.model.HystrixConfigurationDefinition"
"key": "exception",
"value": "class org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException"
"key": "message",
"value": "No bean named 'hystrix-configuration' available"
"parentId": 4
I'm pretty new to couchBase and N1QL especially, so I was able to update only a simple-structured JSON objects. Kindly ask for your help.
*Note: If you know a simpler and easier way to modify JSON for my needs, please share it.
ARRAY {e.startupStep,
"miliseconds": e.duration.nanosconds/1000000
FOR e IN d.timeline.events
END AS events
FROM default AS d
WHERE .......
If you want update like {"events":[ ]}
UPDATE default AS d
SET d = {"events": ARRAY {e.startupStep,
"milliseconds": e.duration.nanosconds/1000000
FOR e IN d.timeline.events
WHERE .......
Sort events by seconds ARRAY
SELECT (SELECT e.startupStep,
{e.duration.seconds, milliseconds} AS duration
FROM d.timeline.events AS e
LET milliseconds = e.duration.nanosconds/1000000
ORDER BY e.duration.seconds, milliseconds
) AS events
FROM default AS d
WHERE .......