Hovering over the todos
variable in my useReducer
function here:
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, todos);
gives the following type error.
Argument of type 'TodoState[]' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.
I've tried adding TodoState[]
as the return type in my reducer function to make sure I'm not accidently returning never[]
however, the error still persists:
The following is the relevant code:
interface TodoState {
id: string;
interface TodoAction {
payload?: TodoState;
interface TodoReducer {
state: TodoState[];
action: TodoAction;
interface TodosProviderProps {
children: ReactChildren;
todos: TodoState[];
const reducer = ({ state = [], action = {} }: TodoReducer): TodoState[] => {
const { payload, type } = action;
const mutatedItem = payload;
if (!mutatedItem) {
return state;
const mutatedIndex = state.findIndex((item) => item.id === mutatedItem.id);
switch (type) {
case 'CREATED':
if (mutatedIndex < 0) {
case 'DELETED':
if (mutatedIndex >= 0) {
state.splice(mutatedIndex, 1);
case 'UPDATED':
state[mutatedIndex] = mutatedItem;
return state;
return state;
export function TodosProvider({ children, todos }: TodosProviderProps) {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, todos);// type error for todos here
// rest of code
After going through the docs, I found out, The reducer function is passed two parameters instead of an object that you have destructured.
So, The line should be:
const reducer = (state:TodoState[] = [], action:TodoAction = {}): TodoState[] => {