I'm trying to add a click event to markers on a map in LeafletJS, but the click events don't seem to be firing. Here's the code:
// jshint esversion: 10
// Keep this out of global scope
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
* Since singleton classes don't really work in JS, we're just using a variable
* with properties and functions. This acts like a Singleton.
* This class's purpose is to handle user interaction with a map
* of property listings on the page. There should be a div on the page
* with ID rel-listing-map, which the map will be displayed inside.
* @author Nate Lanza
* @type {Object}
var MapManager = {
* Stores the Leaflet map object
* @type {L.Map}
map: null,
* All listings displayed on the map, as Listing objects
* @type {array}
listings: null,
* Whether this object's init function has been called. If false, no other functions can run
* @type {Boolean}
initialized: false,
* @throws Error if init has not been called
* @return {void}
checkInit: function() {
if (!this.initialized)
throw new Error("Must call init first");
* Gets listings to be displayed on the map
* and stores them in the listings field
* Currently retrieves listings from a custom element with id 'rel-listing-data'
getListings: function() {
this.listings = JSON.parse( document.getElementById("rel-listing-data").dataset.listings );
* Retrieves a listing by ID
* @param {int} ID ID of the listing to retrieve
* @return {Object || bool} Listing object, or false if not found
getListing: function(ID) {
for (var listing of this.listings)
if (listing.listingId == ID)
return listing;
return false;
* Places a marker on the map for each listing to be displayed
* Fields map and listings should both be initialized
* @return {void}
populateMap: function() {
if (this.listings == null)
throw new Error("getListings must be called before populateMap");
// Create onclick function for markers
function onClick(e) {
// Get listing
var listing = MapManager.getListing(this.ID);
if (!listing)
throw new Error("Listing " + this.ID + " not found");
// Display info
jQuery('#rel-listing-map-info').innerHTML = "<p>" + listing.privateRemarks + "</p>";
// Add each listing to map
for (var listing of this.listings) {
// Create marker
var marker = new L.Marker(
new L.LatLng(listing.lat, listing.lng)
marker.ID = listing.listingId;
// Add to map & add onclick action
marker.addTo(this.map).on('click', onClick);
* Initializes the Map field, retrieves listings from a global variable,
* fills the listings field, and populates the map with listing markers.
* Must be executed before any other functions in this 'class',
* otherwise an error will be thrown
* @return {void}
init: function() {
// Init map
this.map = L.map('rel-listing-map', {
center: [43.6177, -116.1997],
zoom: 8,
// Canvas doesn't work on IE,
// but the other option, SVG, doesn't work on Android
preferCanvas: true,
attributionControl: true,
// Create map background
L.tileLayer("http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", {
attribution: '© <a href="http://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
maxZoom: 18,
// Center map
var houston = new L.LatLng(29.97, -95.35);
this.map.setView(houston, 13);
//this.map.on('click', function(e) {
// console.log(e);
this.initialized = true;
// Init listings
// Populate map
// Code to run when page is loaded
The onClick function never fires when I try to click a marker. This occurs in multiple browsers. When I print the marker objects to console, they seem to have a click event in the _leaflet_events field, but when I inspect the marker objects on the map in HTML, they don't seem to have my onClick function added as an event. This is reproducible on an empty page with a single div, ID rel-listing-map, with this script, jQuery, and leaflet.js included in the header.
For anyone else who has this problem, I figured out the solution: this map is on a WordPress website. Some other script on the website was including a file called Bundle.css, which breaks the map. I was able to exclude this css file from the site with the following code (only works in Wordpress):
add_filter( 'style_loader_src', function($href) {
if ($href == 'http://www.idxhome.com/service/resources/dist/wordpress/bundle.css?1627639643157') {
return false;
return $href;
Even if this specific css file isn't your problem, I'd recommend right-clicking on the markers and using your browser's inspect element to verify that they are on top of all other elements. If inspect element doesn't pull up the <img> element that's represents the marker, you have a CSS issue.
The troubleshooting step that lead me here was trying to replicate the problem in a blank HTML file- I'd also recommend doing that, even if you're not using Wordpress, to see if any other scripts/styles are breaking your code.