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Custom filter with Django Filters

I am trying to write my own custom filter class as follows using django_filters:

from django_filters import rest_framework as filters

class FooFilter(filters.FilterSet):
    class Meta:
        model = Model 
        fields = ['custom_field',]

class Foo():
    filter_backends = (filters.DjangoFilterBackend,)
    filterset_class = FooFilter

In models, as I do not have the field custom_field, it will give the error: TypeError: 'Meta.fields' must not contain non-model field names: custom_field

Question: Is it possible to define my own custom query that is a non-model field name using Django Filterset?


  • You can define an arbitrary function that will filter the queryset further. For example:

    class MyFilterSet(FilterSet):
        custom_field = CharFilter(method='filter_not_empty')
        def filter_custom_field(queryset, name, value):
            return queryset.filter(… some filtering …)
        class Meta:
            model = Model
            fields = ['custom_field']

    Here we thus define a CharFilter for custom_field that thus will parse a string. With `method='filter_not_empty', we refer to the method that will be called.

    This method is called with a queryset that needs to be filtered, name is the name of the filter field (here it is custom_field, but you can, if you want, use the same method for multiple filter set fields), and the value.

    The method should return a QuerySet that is filtered down with … some filtering …