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Looking for customized Scatter plot Graph in High chart

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In he picture we have values on X-Axis ass F1, F2, F3, and so on. for example red dots denote value for F1. For each X axis category the color for dots will be different.

We tried Highcharts Scatter graph but have no luck.

how can this be achieved.


  • You can use multiple scatter series with defined x and y values. Example:

    Highcharts.chart('container', {
        chart: {
            type: 'scatter'
        series: [{
            data: [
                [0.9, 40],
                [1, 15],
                [1.05, 25],
                [1.1, 10],
                [2.9, 35],
                [3, 35],
                [3.1, 35]
        }, {
            data: [
                [1.9, 25],
                [1.95, 10],
                [2, 35],
                [2.1, 35]

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