I am working with JSoup and this is my code:
public class ClassOLX {
public static final String URL = "https://www.olx.com.pe/item/nuevo-nissan-march-autoland-iid-1103776672";
public static void main (String args[]) throws IOException {
if (getStatusConnectionCode(URL) == 200) {
Document document = getHtmlDocument(URL);
String model = document.select(".rui-2CYS9").select(".itemPrice").text();
System.out.println("Model: "+model);
public static int getStatusConnectionCode(String url) {
Response response = null;
try {
response = Jsoup.connect(url).userAgent("Mozilla/5.0").timeout(100000).ignoreHttpErrors(true).execute();
} catch (IOException ex) {
return response.statusCode();
public static Document getHtmlDocument(String url) {
Document doc = null;
try {
doc = Jsoup.connect(url).userAgent("Mozilla/5.0").timeout(100000).get();
} catch (IOException ex) {
return doc;
This is the page:
I want to get the values of the following elements : itemPrice,_18gRm,itemTitle,_2FRXm
Thanks for all.
All you have to do is to use the following class selectors and get the text
String price = doc.select("._2xKfz").text();
String year = doc.select("._18gRm").text();
String title = doc.select("._3rJ6e").text();
String place = doc.select("._2FRXm").text();
And it will get you the desired data.