I am aiming to install a helm package
in a k0s cluster
throught the use of the following command:
helm install name . --kube-apiserver=x.x.x.x:xxx
But I get the following output:
Kubernetes cluster unreachable: Get "http://x.x.x.x:xxx/version?timeout=32s": dial tcp x.x.x.x:x: connect: connection refused
I am wondering:
?I ran into this issue, and followed the instructions at https://www.mirantis.com/blog/how-to-set-up-k0s-kubernetes-a-quick-and-dirty-guide/ :
sudo cp /var/lib/k0s/pki/admin.conf ~/admin.conf
export KUBECONFIG=~/admin.conf
I add to ensure that admin.conf
was owned by my user and didn't have group read:
sudo chown <user> ./admin.conf
chmod g-r ./admin.conf
Then helm install