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Regular Expression

I've needed to display an alert in case there's a text input includes a double-quote which isn't followed by a backslash. So I used 'negative lookbehind' regular expression and achieved that goal.


" -> Alert
\" -> OK

However, I found an issue that when users put an indent into text box, the WYSIWYG (Quill) generates a class named "ql-indent-N (indent level starting from 1)" which triggers an alert by " detection.

Thus, I added another exception to the original regular expression like below.


But it didn't work so I tried some tests in console, and saw that

it works fine when I just put
-> OK

while, it does not work when it's inside real tag like
<p class="ql-indent-1"> text </p>
-> Alert

How can I make a lookbehind reg exp working fine with those <p class=" ...">? Or any other generous suggestion to achieve the same goal — Displaying an alert to double-quotes not followed by a backslash nor by <p class=" ...">? Below is a basic structure of the textbox.

<div class="ql-editor" data-gramm="false" contenteditable="true">

Dealing Quill's delta format is very complicated.


  • As mentioned in the comment, you could refer to the element innerText rather than its innerHTML in order to ignore any tag inserted by the WYSIWYG editor.

    Example (here I am using RegExp.prototype.test() rather than RegExp.prototype.match())

    const qEditor = document.querySelector('.ql-editor');
    const re = /(?<!\\)"/gm;
    qEditor.addEventListener('input', () => {
        if (re.test(qEditor.innerText)){
        window.alert('All double-quotes (") must be escaped (\\")');
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <div id="editor" class="ql-editor" data-gramm="false" contenteditable="true">
    <script src=""></script>
      var quill = new Quill('#editor', {
        theme: 'snow'